
18. März 2014

Gaga For Green

Hey hey! Not that I've been planning this post for St. Patricks, but rather it was the only happy green in my swatched folder, hehe. And it's for sure the happiest green of my stash, too. And the name is so cool. And the colour is so yummy! :) These are the thoughts caused in me by China Glaze Gaga For Green:

China Glaze Gaga For Green

China Glaze Gaga For Green

Gaga For Green is young grass green crelly, bright and warmish, as it has a yellow undertone. Once you apply the first coat, you'll probably freak out after looking at your nails, hehe :) They'll look like you just dipped them into some yellowish squish. But after you apply the 2d coat, everything will even out and look bright and cool :)

China Glaze Gaga For Green

China Glaze Gaga For Green

According to my Excel notes, the application was easy in 2 coats, only you have to be careful not to reveal the bald spots. And after wearing it for the 3rd time (yes!) I have a feeling that the polish became a little goopy, so I'll probably add thinner next time.

China Glaze Gaga For Green

Generally, I like this shade a lot, it's a pure colour therapy for me every time I have it on my nails, and I will never understand Antallex, who could so generously part from this beauty in order to send it to me :) Thank you so so so much! ;) 

China Glaze Gaga For Green

Happy Patrick's Day to all! Wear green and be happy :) 

16. März 2014

March Snow

Guess what? It's snowing in St. Peters! And not just a couple of snowflakes, but myriads of them falling heavily. Well, hello spring, I saw snow in May as well ;) This time the weather affected my choice of polish: instead of picking one of the pastels and corals that I prepared for wearing in the next days/weeks, I decided to put on this snowy thing - El Corazón Confetti 531a.

El Corazón Confetti 531a

Эль Коразон Confetti 531a

El Corazón Confetti 531a is white tiny glitter floating in a clear base. As simple as that. But how damn unique, no? I personally don't remember of any similar polish. If China Glaze There's Snow One Like You looks as a gross snowdrift, Confetti 531a rather reminds a thin layer of tiny snowflakes.

Эль Коразон Confetti 531a

El Corazon Confetti 531a

Be aware of the application though: it's not easy. It took me some time to figure out that this polish does not need a 3rd coat, neither a top coat. On the pictures you see 2 thin coats - they dry neither glossy nor matte, smth inbetween :) Oh, and about drying time - you'll have to be patient. To shorten the time and to smooth out the look, you'll have to apply thin coats. 

El Corazon Confetti 531a

As much as I liked the "snow look", the next day I decided to upgrade it somehow, and thought that one of the best suiting options for white is gold. So I sponged some Essence Make It Golden on the tips.

Essence Make It Golden

nails white gold glitter

I remember the times when there was a huge hype over Essence Make It Golden, both because it's a great polish and because it's a good substitute of Deborah Lippmann Boom Boom Pow. It's such a pity that Essence is discontinued... and my tiny bottle is half-empty.

nails gold over white

golden glitter over white

Anyway, I loved both looks. How about you? :)
*The nail polish was kindly provided by El Corazón company for my consideration. In this post I expressed my honest and unbiased opinion about the product.

14. März 2014

Do The Mermaid

Heya! What I really want to share with you is that recently I attended a fun gathering of polish addicts - for the first time in my whole "blogger career"! Actually, it was a presentation of Parfum Selective, Russian company distributing selective cosmetics and perfumes. The event was organised as a beauty-hen-party, and I couldn't miss to chat with like-minded polish lovers AND to play with the stunning polishes by Deborah Lippmann. And not only I saw the whole DL range on the sticks and in the bottles, but I also got one for review - pls enjoy the swatches of Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid below :)

Приветтт всем! Один из редчайших моментов, когда я пишу в своем блоге на русском. Решила поделиться радостным событием - я таки посетила собрание лакоманьяков, не прошло и три года)) Обычно я на подобные встречи не попадаю из-за отсутствия зеркалки и времени, и если первым еще можно пренебречь, то со вторым ничего не попишешь. Но презентацию-лакодевичник с Parfum Selective я решила не пропускать, ибо вживую повертеть бутылочки с Deborah Lippmann мне доводится нечасто, да и очутиться в кругу лакоединомышленников мне всегда хотелось :) В итоге я не только налюбовалась почти что всем ассортиментом Деборы и познакомилась с приятнейшими людьми, но и получила лак на тестирование. И в сегодняшнем посте кроме бесконечного восторженного бла-бла еще и покажу свотчи прекрасной русалки - Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Do The Mermaid is a slightly pearly lavender base with a mixture of lighter lilac and darker purple glitter spiced with golden sparkles. Either because of these components, or because of the overall look - I'm deeply in love with this polish. Should I mention the supereasy application in 2 coats? Probably not, because for me it was absolutely expectable. I'm only not sure about the drying time, but I used a top coat anyways - as this polish shouts "add me some gloss!" :)

Do The Mermaid состоит из немного заперламутренной лавандовой базы, смешанной с сиреневым глиттером и приправленной золотыми наноблесточками. Уж не знаю, из-за этих компонентов ли или из-за общего вида на ногтях, но я просто по уши влюбилась в этот лак. Думаю, что беспроблемное нанесение в 2 слоя даже упоминать не стоит, для меня оно было чем-то само собой разумеющимся. Правда, не уверена насчет времени высыхания, т.к. я сразу же залила все топом, потому что лак этого просто требует.

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

By the way, the polish looks stunning in the bottle as well, and this is the reason why I chose Do The Mermaid over the classical Mermaid's Dream. 

Кстати, в бутылочке лак тоже завораживает, именно поэтому я и взяла сиреневую русалку, хотя все это время мечтала о "классической", зелено-бирюзовой. 

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Below are my attempts to take macroshots, although it was quite hard to do with my old camera and poor daylight. I just hope I managed to reflect the beauty of the polish, even a little bit : {

Попытки заснять лак поближе... я не плохой танцор, но моим кирпичом это сделать сложно. Надеюсь лишь, что мне хоть как-то удалось передать красоту лака.. : {

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Deborah Lippmann Do The Mermaid

Еще раз добавлю, что была рада сходить на встречу от Parfum Selective, и надеюсь в будущем чаще бывать в местах сборов лакоманьяков :) На девичник из-за работы я пришла почти что уже к концу, поэтому пофоткать практически не удалось, хотелось все посмотреть и пообщаться : { В следующий раз исправлюсь, честно) 

И в заключение напоминаю, что в России лаки Deborah Lippmann можно приобрести в магазине BeautyDrugs, также они торгуют всякой интересной косметикой, а еще меня очень впечатлили их пилки Diamancel, которые я с большим интересом потестила на девичнике.

For my Russian readers I advise to visit BeautyDrugs store for Deborah Lippmann polishes and other selective perfumes and cosmetics. 
*The nail polish was kindly provided by BeautyDrugs online store for my consideration. In this post I expressed my honest and unbiased opinion about the product.
*Лак предоставлен для обзора магазином BeautyDrugs, в данном посте я выразила свое объективное мнение о продукте.

2. März 2014

Fashionista On The Beach

Happy spring everyone!! 
I don't know about you, but I'm desperately awaiting the warm sunny days, I'm so sick of all this gloominess and absence of light... Maybe I just need to move to a small Southern country? :) Anyways, I decided to start this spring with a bright mani - below you see the swatches of El Corazón Fashionista On The Beach

эль коразон модница на пляже

Fashionista On The Beach is a bright baby blue jelly full of white hexagonal glitter of various sizes. The application is fine, except you will need 3 coats to even out the bold spots, but it's a jelly after all! And the drying time is a bit suspicious, but I applied a top coat - it's quite useful for adding gloss and creating additional "water" effect anyway.

эль коразон модница

коразон модница лак

I'm actually very happy for Fashionista, who is on the beach right now, because I would give a lot to be on a beach too : { However, in my opinion this polish is good for any time of the year: me personally was wearing it 2 times by now: in summer and in winter. Either way, a bright refreshing colour.

El Corazón Fashionista

El Corazón Fashionista on the beach

Actually, this polish reminds me of a pond rather than of a beach, because part of the glitter is "drawn" and the other half is on the surface - I love this effect! By the way, I have 2 other polishes from the same collection: lilac and pink

El Corazón polishes

коразон модница

What do you plan to wear this spring? Pastels? 
*The nail polish was kindly provided by El Corazón company for my consideration. In this post I expressed my honest and unbiased opinion about the product.