
15. März 2011

Lilac Dreams

Don't laugh at the heading, but I wish my dreams were like this mani: pleasantly coloured and harmonic. In reality they're more like detective movies with crazy plots, but this is another story :) Meanwhile, have a look at the mani: 

(Used products: Orly Lollipop stamped with Victoria Shu polish, Konad plate m64)
Regarding the polish: Orly Lollipop is a wonderful lavender creme with a smooth application and very fast-drying formula. As you know, it's my first Orly, and it applies really differently (I can't choose another word). I still didn't get used to it, but I think me and Orly could be friends.

Sooo, what colour are your dreams?

6 Kommentare:

  1. wenn ich es mir aussuchen könnte, dann wären meine träume orange und rot! es sind nicht meine lieblingsfarben, aber sie erinnern mich daran, wie schön es ist im sommer am meer zu liegen und die seele baumeln zu lassen :)

    deine nägel sind wie immer schön <3

  2. lovely mani :-)
    have i told you i love your nails :-*

  3. Is this a Konad? It's very pretty. Your nails are so lovely and (I know this is weird but) straight!

  4. So pretty I love it <3

    The color of my dreams...don't know sometimes they are dark :( I always dream strange ;)

  5. Very pretty! <3
    My color of dreams would probably be a really light blue.

  6. @ Maki: orange und rot?? Krass, sehr lebhaft und strahlend! :) Ich bevorzuge doch etwas ruhigeres für die Träume :) Und danke, deine Nägel mag ich auch sehr, du weißt das schon :)

    @ nail crazy: thanks, yes, like million times :) very pleasant to hear ^^

    @ Rikki: thanks, yes, it's konad :) straight.. well, they start to swirl when they grow longer, so I always have to cut them at some point..

    @ -Diana-: thx! yes, my dreams are weird sometimes as well))

    @ Kayono: thx! light blue? awesome colour, one of my favs! :)
