
12. April 2011

Ideal Red

Guys, I think I've found my ideal red polish (which I'm sure every woman has, and especially every lacoholic woman). During some time it was Sally Hansen Cherry Charisma, but it's almost finished and being now spoilt with professional brands, I've been recently irritated with its formula. So now the honourable status of my ideal red belongs to Essie Limited Addiction. Of course, with the colour on the first place and great formula and application (2-coater) as a nice addition to it. Look at this beauty: 

And what I love most about it is the colour metamorphose in the day/sun light and in the shade. Inside it becomes a little more vampy:

A tiny bonus to show you is my new home for polishes. I've been searching for such a box for months, I wanted it to be relatively cheap, big enough (although my stash includes only around 100 polishes) and to suit the overall colour pallette of my room:

Upper small box is for nail care (treatments, nail files, konad etc.), and the lower is obviously a polish treasure  box. However, it's almost full, and I'm already keeping my eye on other boxes in the shops. And yeah, I'm not a great fan of Helmers yet.

Now, very important: which is your ideal red (if you have it)? Or maybe you are still searching for one? Pls tell me!

15 Kommentare:

  1. :D 2 mädels, 1 gedanke! meine nägel sind heute auch rot und ich muss sagen, dass da nicht soooo anspruchsvoll bin. ich finde es nur wihctig, dass das rot nicht zu grell bzw orangestichig ist! meine lieblinge sind: der aktuelle - don juan, essence/drama queen und p2/diva :)

  2. I'm still searching for mine, but I think you just found it! I love this kind of vampy red!
    And it looks great on you!

    ps.: I'm a recent follower!


  3. @ Maki: hehe genau, ich hab deinen heutigen Eintrag auch bemerkt :) Grelle und knallige rote Farbe mag ich gern (obwohl ich solche Nagellacke [noch] nicht habe), orangerote Tone passen mir aber nicht. Essence Drama Queen sieht interessant aus, P2 Diva ist mir leider zu dunkel - danke für deine Tipps :)

    @Soraya: thank you and good luck in your searches :) I had a look on your blog and now I'm following you as well!

  4. Precioso tono de rojo. Y se ve espectacular sobre tus uñas...
    Me encanta! ;-)

  5. Очень красивый лак. На ваших ногтях потрясающе смотрится.

    У меня любимого красного нет, я предпочитаю бургунди, например Color Club Slow Jam.

  6. Wow. Tolle Farbe! Mein liebster roter Nagellack ist im Moment Essie Up's. xx

  7. @Angeles: Muchas gracias :) Me encanta ese tono también! :)

    @Miss Jones: спасибо! а я как-то бургунди не очень жалую, они для меня темноваты.. :)

    @Madita: Danke, ich habe mich eigentlich in diese Farbe verliebt :) Hab deinen Eintrag mit Up's gesehen, sieht sehr ähnlich aus, oder?

  8. Am I crazy if I say that all reds look the same to me? But your nails look stunning!

  9. LOL I am actually not a red fan, but when I got this color - it came in the mini four pack - I thought that this is the best red I ever saw!!! So funny you feel the same way!!!

  10. Well, that one is a very good red... very deep! And that's where I establish a difference: my perfect red is probably the one by Claire's with the special brush (why don't they name these???) which is a red red red. But then there are also the dark reds, and that one I'm still looking for it :P

  11. Умопомрачительно!

  12. Great color :) I don't have a favorite red like a lot of red polishes, dark red, red red, glitter red, holo red I can't choose.

  13. Oh dear God, your nails are PER-FECT! So insanely gorgeous!

  14. @Stickers: thanks! noooo in no way all the reds are the same ;P at least for me!

    @GothamPolish: yes, I also think it's the best red for me at the moment! :)

    @Akuma Kanji: the thing is that Essie Limited Addiction is so far my fav red OF ALL REDS, but there are of course other categories :) Like red red red - I haven't found mine yet :)

    @alluring_mom: ого, спасибо, какой короткий, но многозначительный комментарий! :)

    @-Diana-: well I only have a couple of reds as normally I prefer pastels and "dusty" colours :)

    @Ulmiel: thanks :) I'm doing my best!

  15. Hi, I like your choice but honestly I'm more for a dark red and my favorite is from Avon - Cherry jubilee
