
30. Mai 2011

200! Followers + Blogs Suggestion

My dearest readers!

I was soo glad to see the number "200" at my GFC counter. That is a lot and that means a lot for me as well.
I want to thank every of you for reading my blog, for your help in its development, for your comments and participation. During all these days of blogging you have been giving me support and inspiration, will to keep on and a lot of joy! Thanks a million!

When we will reach 222 (I just like this number :), I will prepare a little surprise for all of you :) I just need some time for that, I hope you understand me.. 

So far, I want to suggest you some nail blogs (most of these authors are my readers), which in my opinion should have more attention than they currently have. Just because they are great. Check them :)


Cosmetic Fix

Bellos Manicures

Have You Met Miss Jones?

Ma Petite Nail Art Blog

KimsKie's Nails


Like A Candy Shop

Miezziej's Beauty Polish Blog

So Nailed

The Lacquer Log

The World Is The Stage

Vique's Varnish

Wacky Laki

To avoid misunderstanding: these are the blogs that only have around 50 readers or less, that's why I'm posting them. I'm following and like to read a lot more!

Little tip for bloggers: ladies, you don't imagine how important it is to have GFC Followers Tool in your blog!!! When there is one, your readers can put your blog to their Google Readers just with one click, which makes it very convenient to follow and read your updates. I'd advise everyone to have it on the side. 

13 Kommentare:

  1. Congrats!
    I'm happy for you, and I agree, GFC is really useful!

  2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! :) Und Danke für den Shout-out und die Links zu den Blogs - werde sie mir gleich Mal ansehen! xx

  3. Congrats and I wish many more readers for you! :)

  4. Поздравляю с круглой цифрой! :) 200 читателей - это немало.

    Спасибо за упоминание моего "блога" :) Я к нему не очень серьезно отношусь, но все равно приятно, если кому-то он нравится. Не думаю, что у меня вырастет число читателей. Я все же и пишу по-русски, и совсем не занимаюсь раскруткой. В общем, блоггер я аховый :) Ну уж какой есть.

  5. Congrats on your growing blog! I love all the blogs you suggested :)

  6. First, congratulations :D
    And second, thanks for suggesting my blog, I really appreciate that <3

  7. @rock-or-not: Thank you, I really apreciate it, you are one of my "oldest" followers :)

    @carolina: Thank you!!

    @Madita: ich danke dir auch, dass du mein Blog liest und so oft die Kommentare lässt! Ich mag dein Blog auch sehr :)

    @Annie: thank you so much!

    @Miss Jones: спасибо :) конечно, как такая красота может не нравиться! Я вообще считаю, что ваш блог очень многого стоит, и о нем должны знать. Поначалу я тоже не особо внимания уделяла своему блогу, и писала на немецком, но читатели всё равно как-то "сами пришли". Язык, кстати, не так уж и важен.. я "читаю" блоги и на финском, и на итальянском итд. о которых понятия не имею)

    @GothamPolish: thank you! I'm glad you liked them cuz I like them too :)

    @Elsa P.: Thank you! Your blog obviously deserves it, it's great :)

  8. Congrats on making 200!
    And thanks so much for mentioning me! :D I hope you'll reach 222 soon, curious about the suprise ;) And I also like the number haha!

  9. Congratulations on 200 followers! :)

    Thanks so much for featuring my blog!!!

    P.S. In the world of pharmacy, a 222 form is used for ordering controlled substances... so when we fill out your 222 form... what exactly is your surprise? ;)

  10. Enhorabuena por tus más de 200 followers!
    Voy a ver los blogs que recomiendas, aunque alguno ya lo conozco... ;-)

  11. @Miezziej: thanks! Of course I couldn't but mention your blog! Surprise is coming soon, yea :)

    @Anutka: thank you :) Your blog was impossible not to mention, I like it very much!!
    Ahhaha my surprise will be within all possible legal frameworks, no worries ;)

    @Angeles: gracias :) Pues creo que recomedar los blogs nuevos es generalmente una buena idea.. :)

  12. Congraaaaaaats on 200 followers ! :)
    And thank you for mentioning me !! That's so nice really :)
    Xx. S
