
23. Mai 2011

Some Autumn Nails

OPI Malaga Wine was one of those polishes I wasn't really planning to buy, but suddenly hit a good price on ebay (3 or 5 euros with shipping!), and after trying it I still can't really decide if I'm happy having it or not. The colour is wonderful, wine red and glass glossy finish, but the rest... Application was pain in the ass, it was my first OPI and now after trying a few more I can state: I HATE THE BRUSH. Let all OPI fans forgive me, but hey, how can you control it?? I would never call my nails small or narrow, but this brush is huge for them! Grrr. Another thing - Malaga Wine chips easily. 

Okay, firstly just some swatches of the polish: 

And now something more interesting: Malaga Wine topped with Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure

Besides the burning flame, Hidden Treasure on red is associated with autumn leavesin my mind. Impossible not to like this combination. I got many questions and many compliments from my friends :)

What do you think about these polishes with "mica effect"? Do you own any?

8 Kommentare:

  1. Love Malaga Wine! Looks great with flakies, too.

  2. I absolutely adore the combo. I remember when I was a child my mother had a book and the outside of the book was that colour! I remember staring at it times and times!

  3. The red really is such an elegant and sexy red, without being tacky (red sometimes is imo)


  4. Мне понравился и лак на вас, и лак с топом. Про кисть я слышала жалобы , но в основном от девушек с узким ногтевым ложем. Вообще, тут, конечно, дело вкуса. Я сама особых неудобств не замечала. Но я даже джамбо-кисть у ИзаДоры укротить сумела. :)

  5. @Stickers: ouch! :)

    @Alluring_mum: thanks! gorgeous colour, true! But tricky in application :(

    @Biba: thanks :)

    @Akuma Kanji: thanks, I love this combination too.. See the background of the photos? It's a doc file which I have from high school, it survived so many stuff with me :) Also the associations with fire and autumn leaves are very pleasant for me!

    @KimsKie's Nails: thank you! I love such "deep" reds, and for me "tacky" reds are brighter ones, however it's a matter of taste..

    @Miss Jones: я думаю, у меня проблемы с кистью из-за изогнутого ложа.. кто-то говорит, что ему с опишной кистью одного мазка хватает, а мне нужно 3 как обычно, но при этом еще надо исхитриться и боковые валики не измазать. Мрак короче, а не кисть.. :) У Исадоры тогда вообще монстр, меня именно это и останавливает при покупке их лаков.. а жаль, оттенки-то очень даже привлекательные!

  6. Wow, this color looks smashing good but when you put a special effect on top of it, it really looks out of this world - amazing!!! ;)

  7. wow your hand looks exactly like my hand :)
