
14. Mai 2011

Strawberry Jelly

If MNY polishes had names instead of stupid numbers, this lovely thing would be definitely called Strawberry Jelly or somewhat similar. Otherwise it's simply MNY #265:

Some months ago I was hosting a giveaway, and I just accidentially bought this polish to be one of the prizes because it looked so nice in a bottle. From time to time I was thinking of bying it for myself but I was always postponing this. But after I saw the swatches of Maki and Akuma Kanji... it was the last drop. This wonderful bright pink jelly packed with small hologlitter particles really deserves a place in my stash. 
Maybe in yours as well? :) 

5 Kommentare:

  1. Действительно клубничное желе :))

  2. Very nice!! I also wish they had names :/

  3. I wish I had nails like you. :)

  4. that is a really nice color! and your nails are so beautiful <3! *jealous* :)

  5. @alluring_mum: да, очень аппетитный цвет :)

    @Breigh: exactly. These numbers are just boring!!

    @Ivana: *blushing* thanks.. :) but come on, yours are also very pretty!!

    @goblinrush: thank you!! and the colour is pretty and yummy, I agree :)
