
21. Juni 2011

Swap №7

The week started great - with a pack in my postbox : ) I generally adore getting any kind of post, but when I see a thick heavy envelope with obviously polishes inside my heart just melts!! This time it was a swap pack which made its long way from Sweden, from a lovely lady Miss Jones, whose nails are a piece of art. You know this kind of nails and swatches where everything is just per-fect? Well, she's a great example of that - check her blog and see : ) 
And now to the Northern goodies! 

Left to right:
Depend 243
IsaDora Blue Sky
Color Club Fashion Addict
Viva La Diva West Palm Beach 
Depend 249
What do we usually do when we get nail mail? Right, we're rushing to try the new stuff!! 
The first one I took in my hands was Color Club Fashion Addict, because, attention, it's my first holo ever! No wonder I was hell curious how it will work on my nails.. Let's see: 

Application was perfect: 2 coats, dries fast, I didn't even need the top coat. And as I wasn't using Color Club for a while, I totally forgot how awesome are their brushes! 

And now to the shade. I have already mentioned that I'm indifferent to holos BUT this one is very special! I haven't noticed this holo linear effect (how did Scrangie capture it, I wonder..), but at the same time the polish is stuffed with holo particles, which make it look as if it's illuminated from within. Absolutely beautiful!!!

Btw in poor indoor light it becomes almost nude on my hands : ) Such a conversion, ha.  

Sorry for the photospam, but I just couldn't stop.. This polish was love from the first brush stroke!

THANK YOU so much, Tanya, I really love this beauty and I'm sure I will like the others, I'm in the process of testing them too :) 

10 Kommentare:

  1. no wonder you're in love, the polish is really awesome :-D

  2. It looks gorgeous and your nails are stunning. :) I's thinking the same when I got my bottle and there wasn't such a holo effect at all. Unfortunately they changed its formula.: :S

  3. This Collor Club is very beautyfull and your nails too!!

    Kisses!! (from Brazil!)

  4. Уф, ну, вот я и могу вздохнуть с облегчением - они добрались в целости и сохранности. :) Спасибо за то, что захотела поучаствовать в этой авантюре :) И спасибо за комплименты - мои уши освещают стены комнаты ))

    На тебе этот КК отлично смотрится. Все такие для таких лаков нужна длина. Носи на здоровье!

  5. It looks stunning on your perfect nails! And yeah, I think the same happened to all Color Club holo polishes, they changed the forumla, Scrangie probably got the first round of bottles. Revvvolution had also stronger holo effect when it got out than what we can get now. Lovely package, I'm waiting for the two Depends too!

  6. I love this kinda colours but, tell me, is it really holo? It actually looks a foil one o_O

  7. @nail crazy: thank you :) Yeees, I love it so much :)

    @Ivana: thank you :) Well I'm okay with that, even better for me :) But surely some other ppl might have been dissapointed.

    @Gigi: thank you :)

    @Miss Jones: во всяком случае это была авантюра в которую было приятно ввязаться :) Еще раз спасибо, этот лак теперь моя большая любовь!

    @Ulmiel: thank you! Well I'm not disappointed because of that cuz I prefer such kind of effect over "real" holo :) But anyway, it was kinda mean of Color Club..

    @Akuma Kanji: it's not a real holo I'd say.. there's no linear holorainbow, even under the brightest sunshine.. And of course it's uncomparable with your beloved Nfu Oh :)

  8. Heya, I've tagged you for some awards!! :)

  9. Очень красивый КК! У меня есть пара их голографиков, я в восторге от качества!
    И поздравляю с посылочкой по "nail mail", всегда интересно что-то получить необычное!

  10. @Breigh: ow, thanks :)

    @Bamboo: спасибо :) меня nail mail всегда радует получать, даже если я какие-нибудь рутинные штуки для ухода заказываю. А в этом лаке мне понравилось именно то, что он не полноценный голографик, а просто с частичками :) Девчонки тут говорят формулу КК поменяли...
