
31. Juli 2011

Kiko Sneak Preview

Walking in one city where I went for a short excursion I stumbled upon a whole Kiko cosmetics shop. It obviously just opened, because it's not even on Google yet. Anyway, it was a great surprise for me.. I spent there half an hour trying not to buy half of the polishes, because they all looked sooo pretty and tempting and cheap.. With a big effort I chose four:

From L to R:
KIKO 339 Fiordaliso
KIKO 340 Celeste
KIKO 288 Rosa Fenicottero
KIKO 338 Lavanda Chiaro
That was a week ago. Yesterday (weekend wohoo) I painted my nails with KIKO 339 Fiordaliso and went shopping. I ended up buying a blouse matching the colour of my nails (otherwise I wouldn't even probably look at this blouse) - yes, I am THAT addicted : ) Here they are altogether:

I'll be showing the full mani next days, now it's only a sneak peak :)

Does anyone else buy clothes to match thenail polish or it's only me being so weird?

UPD: KIKO polishes actually DO have names!!! It's just they are not written on the bottles, but you can check them on KIKO website.

14 Kommentare:

  1. Hahaha, I'm just like you; I don't match my nailpolish with my clothes... I match my clothes with my nailpolish. In stores sometimes I see clothes in a color I wouldn't normally buy, but then I think: hey, that matches beautiful with a nailpolish I have. And then I decide to buy it :)

    Beautiful cloudy blue you have there!

  2. Pretty! Normally I don't match my nails with clothing because my basics are black and grey, so nailpolish would be the same too often.

  3. Какой класс! С покупками! У них на сайте висит инфо о магазинах в Германии, но мне знакомые говорили, что в реале ничего нет. Ты в каком городе их нашла? И почем они?

  4. It's the nail polish fanatic syndrome - I definitely do that! What a gorgeous shade of blue. I can't wait to see the rest of the pretties!

  5. Love the colors! Very pretty. :)

  6. Tenho alguns vidros de KIKO, mas esta cor é linda!
    Suas unhas tb são lindas!

    Ótima semana
    Beijos coloridos!

  7. Great choices! Three of the colours you bought are a limited edition for this summer and Kiko declares they will be discontinued (those with number from 310 to 349). I really love their formula and my favourite so far are 245 and 346 :) And yes, it happens that I buy clothes because I have the polish to match!

  8. С покупками! Оттенок на ногтях волшебный, на мой взгляд редкий голубой, удивительно воздушный

  9. @rock-or-not: thank you :)

    @KimsKie's Nails: ooo it's so good to know that I'm not alone with my addiction :)

    @Linnie: I see, thanks. I love black and grey too btw, but in clothes rather than in polish..

    @Miss Jones: спасибо! В Кёльне на главной шоппинг-улице наткнулась случайно, ещё точно знаю, что в Дрездене и в Берлине есть. По дваписят евро :)

    @Nicole: thank you!! I'll be posting the rest soon, can't wait to try them! Nice to know that it's not only me hunting for clothes to match my nails :)

    @Liz: thanks! :)

    @Margareth Gervason: thank you :)

    @Simona: thanks! Ohhh nooo!! The colours from 310-349 are the prettiest ones that Kiko has, it would be totally stupid to discontinue them!! P.s. I googled 245 and 346 - they are very nice :)

    @Antallex: спасибо :) Мне он тоже понравился на ногтях, не замазка совсем!

  10. Мне вот про Дрезден с Берлином и говорили, что там Кико перестали продавать. Правда, дело давно было.
    Дваписят - это головокружительно дешево! Ассортимент большой?

    1. Сейчас они на немецком сайте вообще по 1,5 все!

  11. @Miss Jones: это у них временная акция, а обычно они то ли по 3, то ли по 4, но всё равно дешево. Ассортимент не то что большой, он громадный, у них все лаки, что есть в наличии на сайте, были выставлены в магазине!

  12. Ты вот прямо сейчас взяла и разбила мое сердце. Вдребезги.
