
16. August 2011

2+2+2 Giveaway is now CLOSED!

Extraquick post to announce that the 2+2+2 giveaway is now closed. I won't count any entries more. I'll draw the winner with during the next days. Thank you all for entering and I wish good luck to each of you, ladies : )


And also an extraquick ooooold swatch of a polish with a very inspiring name: Essie Eternal Optimist. Just in case some of my readers prefer long nails to the short ones : ) To be honest, it's very weird to look at the pics where my nails have this seemingly immense length, I think I prefer their current state... Anyways, to the polish:

Pinkish nude creme, a bit tricky application (3 coats), but a pleasant colour. As far as I remember it needs a TC, otherwise it will get all scrathed and dimpled (there's no TC on the photos though). I'm not all amazed by this polish, but I'd like to keep it in my collection. Nice nudes are always useful after all. 

11 Kommentare:

  1. Oi... are your nails growing that fast, or is this an older picture?

    Love the color, but I'm a sucker for nudes! :)

  2. I love it - it looks so pretty and delicate!

  3. А ведь и правда стало непривычно видеть такую длину ))) Мне новая больше нравится.
    Преимущество у старой - она вызывает скрежет зубов от зависти, что можно вырастить такие ногти )))))))
    Ну и отличный оттенок, вот и почти нюд нарисовался. Правда на мой взгляд, название цвету слегка не соответствует )

  4. Your nails are so beautiful long as that or a little shorter. Too beautiful. :) ♥

    I found you on Twitter yesterday and I's like yaaay, one of my fav blogger is on twitter too. :D

  5. That is such a beautiful color. It compliments your hands and skintone beautifully!

  6. @KimsKie's Nails: naaaa it's an old swatch, from winter or spring.. Why sucker? You don't like them or? But I should admit I like watching at bright colours on your nails :)

    @Biba: yep, it's a very nice nudie suitable for many occasions :)

    @Anastacia: thanks! I like it as well.

    @Antallex: серьезно, я вчера рассматривала старые свотчи с ощущением, что это не мои ногти :) Такая длина вообще много чего вызывает, пара дамочек в нэйл_ру плевались например, а мужчины очень часто при разговоре смотрят на ногти глазами по пять рублей. И да, название бы подошло какому-нибудь бешено розовому неону, а этот.. скорей уж Eternal Snob или Eternal Esthete.

    @Ivana: thank youu :) I like the current length of yours btw, but they were shorter they were also very nice :)
    Well, unfortunately I only use twitter to tweet about giveways :( If I was using it to read all the tweets and chat with someone I'd never stand up from my computer..

    @Kate: thank you, I also like how it suits the skintone.. Actually this polish is quite pinky, but on my hands it looks nude.

  7. Very "office appropriate" color, I usually love very long nails, but I prefer your actual lenght!

  8. Fingers crossed for the prize draw! What a lovely colour! It suits you very well!

  9. Just look at those elegant fingers and nails! Awesome! Everything very beautiful ^__~

  10. Very lovely color! Too bad the formula was tricky.

    I know how you feel about long nails, when I look back on some of my photos with longer nails I realize just how much I prefer their current state :)
