
9. September 2011


Today I'm showing one of my favourite OPI polishes - OPI Simmer&Shimmer. I love unusual polishes, and this one is definitely special - light blue glitter with glitter particles of other colours - silver, gold, red etc. Simmer&Shimmer is very easy to apply (and very not easy to wash off), and it really makes your nails look festive. And I looove this pocky feeling when I wear glitters - I never use topcoats with them! =)

And an attempt to show how I wore it and how it looks from some distance (sorry, my fingers are bent so weirdly, they are normally straight human fingers):

Sparkly glitters, anyone? Yes, no, sometimes? =)

8 Kommentare:

  1. Как непривычно видеть на тебе такой глиттер!
    P.s И я не знала, что ты блондинка ))))

  2. love this!! I think it needs to go on my wishlist!

  3. @Antallex: почему непривычно, я такие время от времени очень не прочь поносить :) Нееее нене я не блондинка, это абсолютно выгоревшие концы с прошлого лета, а так у меня среднерусые волосы)

    @Ulmiel: I had no doubts :)

    @Jacki: definitely, cuz this polish is an absolute must-have! :)

  4. A great glitter!!
    Feel like partying!

  5. I didn't like glitters that much before but recently I have developed this crush on sparkly chunky one coater glitters! And that one is just astonishing! ^__^

  6. @rock-or-not: I like it too! And you feel right, I did have some partying those days :)

    @Akuma Kanji: I also fell in love with glitters only recently! Obviously I just got spoiled by plain cremes and now I want to see smth crazy on my nails from time to time :) :)

    @misaya: thank you :)
