
14. Februar 2012


Here it is, this day again. Never in my life have I spent it snogging with a guy in a cafe with a bunch of roses lying on the table, or watching dramatically cute pink movie and eating heart-shaped chocolates that he [impersonal] presented me. Not even in the last 3 years that I have a boyfriend - he comes from a funny land where they only celebrate start and end of all wars possible, but not St. Valentines. When I was 15, I used to stress about it, but after 20 I don't care anymore. Still, for me it's a nice day because I see happy couples all around, and a depressing one, because I'm out of all that. Hence, the manicure. Pinky base but still black roses. 

Products used:
Base polish: Essie Guchi Muchi Puchi (3 coats)
Konad image plate: m65
Stamping polish: Konad Black

Hopefully you'll be spending this day in a much better way than me - this post turned out way more depressive than I planned it, but ok, at least you'll finally see some other mood of mine than eternal world-loving optimism. Hehe : )


15 Kommentare:

  1. Я тоже никогда не отмечала этот праздник, хотя и всегда хотела бы. Муж ни в какую его не признаюет:(
    Красивый маник получился!!!

    1. Спасибо! Вот такие они, мужчины :(

  2. А мне не нравится этот заимствованный праздник, ну его. Маникюр невероятный, ради этих розочек уже стоит купить конад.

    1. Спасибо! Я, в общем-то, ради этих розочек его и купила поначалу :)
      А по поводу праздника - мне кажется это мило, когда есть лишний повод порисовать сердечки и цветочки на ногтях)

  3. It's a great mani, wow! And I usually hate valentines mani. I dislike this holiday greatly. I think it's yucky and over-sentimental and if my BF would pay attention and love to me only on Feb 14th, i'd kick him in the balls long time ago.

    1. Thanks! Hahah, I agree on this point, but I view this holiday as an extra reason to paint some hearts on my nails and on my boyfriend's forehead. Kidding about the last thing :)

  4. I like the manicure! But I didn't understand: are you happy or sad with that situation on Valentine's Day? My boyfriend is working and I'm at home... I had already some stuff planned (ok, my Valentine's Day is specially about food anyway :P) and then he has to work all day... oh well.... never cared that much for V day but sometimes I like it... and having boyfriend for 6 years, believe it or not, he never offered me a thing XD neither did I to him!

    1. Thank you! Well, as I said, I have mixed feelings about that, but I'd be glad if my bf paint a heart on a piece of paper and give it to me, hehe :) It's not a big deal anyway, I think he's starting to show some understanding for me being more inspired about this day than him :)

  5. Праздник не отмечаю никогда, всегда отхожу от своего дня рождения, который за день до этого )))) Маникюр зачотный, хотя я всегда боюсь сочетания нежно-розового и черного, у меня жуткие ассоциации с ним )))

    1. Ай, клево! С прошедшим тебя тогда :) :) Желаю всяких хорошестей :) После того, как ты сказала про сочетание, мне сразу эмо вспомнились, но я к ним никакого отношения не имею, поэтому черное с розовым для меня всего лишь мило :)

    2. Спасибо :) не, у меня еще более мрачные ассоциации, но я тебе тут флудить не буду, итак достаточно )

  6. This is so perfect! I love the color and the stamping. Your nails look amazing as always :)
