
17. Mai 2012

The Body Shop Hand Creams

What does an average person do when he/she cannot choose between several options? Takes time to think and to decide later on. What did I do? Just grabbed everything at once XD Initially I was heading to Body Shop to buy a famous cannabis creme, but when I saw this 3-pack I couldn't pick just one anymore. 

Today something above polish on the agenda: I want to make some input about hand and nail care, as I believe it is closely connected with manicure and is not any less essential. So, a short summary on 3 Body Shop hand creams, quite famous ones. 

Firstly, the popular The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector. As many people glorify its moisturising and nourishing effect, same many swear it for its scent. Well I understand both. From my experience, this cream is very rich and helps to protect hands from dryness or to revive the stressed skin, especially during cold winter times. The substance is thick (and green : )), and absorbs not really quick. My advice is to use it before sleep or when you know you will not be touching anything within the next 20 minutes. Also works perfectly with cotton gloves. Now to the smell. My description: neither pleasant, nor disgusting, but very special. You will either hate it or you'll be okay with it. In the beginning I was not so inspired, but now I got used to feeling it while falling asleep : )
Ingredients: click here
Price: 6€ for 30ml, 12€ for 100ml or 15€ for a set of 3 creams.
Recommend? Yes! For winter especially. But smell the tester first.

Next cream of the pack is The Body Shop Almond Hand & Nail Cream. Hand and nail - sounds good, right? : ) Almond oil is considered to be very helpful for nail care by the way, there were times when I was using it pure and mixed with other oils to moisturise and to strengthen my nails. Almond cream is a nice one in all respects, it moisturises pretty good, smells nice (like almond nuts + smth sweet) and absorbs faster than the previous one, although not in a wink. Hand skin is very soft afterwards. 
Ingredients: click here
Price: 6€ for 30ml, 12€ for 100ml or 15€ for a set of 3 creams.
Recommend? Yes, it's a nice one.

And the last is The Body Shop Wild Rose Hand Cream SPF 15. Do you see the word "rose"? That's what I can never pass by! The smell is super nice (for me, as for a rose scent lover), but it's more a moderate rose flower scent, and not like grandma's rose oil in a wooden sheath. My impression is that this cream is the "lightest" of all three, it absorbs faster than the other two - I always use it on the run or right before swatching. Makes your hands soft and generally this cream is a nice thing to have in a bag or near your working place.
Ingredients: click here
Price: 6€ for 30ml, 12€ for 100ml or 15€ for a set of 3 creams.
Recommend? Yes, definitely.

Have you tried The Body Shop creams? Do you like them? What's the best hand cream for you?

*Products mentioned in this post were purchased by me. I am not associated with The Body Shop. 

11 Kommentare:

  1. Ooh, you've got me intrigued by the almond oil cream, and I think I'm going to stop by the Body Shop today just to have a sniff of the hemp cream. Sounds interesting...

    1. Oh, you should! The scent of the hemp cream is VERY special, and although it's a very nice product, you'll have to like the smell to use it :)

  2. I haven't tried Body Shop creams before but I think about trying them. I got a L'Occitane cream recently and really liked it. Since Body Shop is slightly cheaper I might go there next time.

    1. L'Occitane creams are very good too - I read and heard it many-many times, and tried myself in a shop. Next time if I have some more spare money I'll get one, I crave the shea butter one (is it the one you have?) for ages!!

  3. Как я тебе завидую, что у вас есть выбор ароматов из трех! Я бы обязательно попробовала все. Теперь хоть знать буду, и что состав разный, тоже здорово.
    А у классического мне аромат даже чем-то нравится. Психологически он настраивает на то, что продукт натуральный.

    1. Аромат разный, но они и по действию разные. С розой и с миндалем - обычные приятненькие крема, а конопляный - тяжелая артиллерия на зиму или для сухоруких (как я) :) В общем мне все 3 нравятся, очень советую, если вдруг у вас Боди Шоп откроют :)

  4. У меня был конопляный, не подошел. Но у меня кожа вообще не воспринимает всякие натуральные примочки , масла и т.п., пересыхает от них на глазах.

    1. Прикольно :) А у меня кожа очень сухая, поэтому впитывает моментально все, что ей дают, а потом просит добавки :) А какими ты кремами для рук пользуешься, если не секрет?

  5. I love the scent of those creams (not only those by TBS) - they're incredible but somehow I can't use them because then I feel a kind of nervous because I need to smell it all the time and it simply diverts my attention that I need to pay for some other important things (such as my bachelor thesis :-D). Moreover I feel like they smell more thant actually hydrates my hands... but I haven't tried TBS creams yet, so I can't tell. ;-)

    1. I know what you are talking about, but the scent in these ones are not "drying" at all :) Hemp cream moisturises perfectly!
      P.S. If you want my advice: while writing your thesis do not paint your nails or paint them nude, and, you are very right, use the creams that don't smell!!! Proven by own experience and 2 submitted theses :))) Otherwise these things are sooo distractive - I remember how I did a very nice gradient on my nails and then I was staring at it the whole day instead of concentrating on the screen and working :)) The girl who was sitting next to me in the library that day was staring at my nails too :) Double harm, haha!

  6. We don't have Body Shop in my country and I'm glad, my wallet is grateful ;)
