
11. Mai 2012

Golden Soul Mate

Still struggling to understand my attitude to coral pinks. To be more precise - the degree of awfullness of their combination with my skin tone. After my experiments with Rose Bowl (warning: sit down before you click the link) I haven't painted my nails with coral shades for a year. Now, the spirit of experimentation woke up inside me again and I decided to wear Sinful Colors Soul Mate while my hands are white and not yet touched by the sun tan.

Sinful Colors Soul Mate nail polish swatch

Sinful Colors Soul Mate nail polish swatch

Sinful Colors Soul Mate nail polish swatch

Sinful Colors Soul Mate nail polish swatch

Sinful Colors Soul Mate nail polish swatch

Just like the first time (careful, OLD SCARY swatches) when I wore it, I have mixed feelings: it looks better than I expected, especially outside, but I still realise it's not the best shade for my skin tone. The polish itself is pretty nice: thick and opaque. The brush is a mess though. After wearing it solo for a day, I spiced it up with noname gold shimmer:

Conclusion: I like such shades. And I won't stop wearing them just because I think it works not so perfect with my skin. Like my father used to say (stuffing me with strawberries when I was like 5 and had diathesis), "if you know you shouldn't, but you want immensely - do it". So I will : )

20 Kommentare:

  1. Я тебя более чем понимаю, у меня руки грязные с ними, или красноватые, или вообще " не мои". Каждый раз какой-то странный сюрприз. Но тем не менее ношу и обращаю внимание на такие оттенки всегда. И наплевать, как это выглядит. Все равно неухоженные руки с облезлым маникюром выглядят хуже, чем наши с тобой проблемы с цветом ))
    Понравился золотой топ, красивый

    1. У меня когда руки загорелые, такие оттенки вообще ужас-ужас, прям как ты и сказала, "грязные". И про неухоженные руки тоже правда, пусть лучше таращатся на мои дикие глиттеры, чем на обгрызанные ногти со слезшим лаком. У меня кстати есть пара коллег-знакомых, которые с гордостью заявляют "а я ногти не крашу, это же вредно!" и демонстрируют лохматые кутикулы и кровавые заусенцы :)

  2. You have beautiful nails, I love this color it suites you!

    1. Thank you! I'm still doubting about the suitability of this colour for me, but I'm glad you liked it :)

  3. I love the combination of those two... they look glamorous together :D

  4. I really thinks it looks good on you. But I feel the same way of most corals on myself - but I add some flowers or other nail art, and then they are much better LOL

    1. Yes, it's a good idea about adding some art :) next time I'll stamp over it, so that the base colour is not so visible anymore :)

  5. Nice!
    I follow you on bloglovin,
    Follow me back?

  6. С топом понравилось сочетание :) Праздничное такое.
    Тоже сижу Sinful Colors сушу :) Как у нас совпало в этот раз.

    1. Я была уверена, что ты красишь Синдереллой!! Не знаю почему :) Совпало и правда, учитывая что это мой единственный лак от Sinful Colors, и у тебя тоже он один :)

  7. It suits you beautifully, so don't stop wearing these colors!

  8. I wouldn't be so critical to myself if I were you. It doesn't look awful - non of the pink/salmon cremes that you showed us. Just very subtle, elegant, non-disturbing - perfect to work or for a kind of official occasions. I own only one shade of this colour group (OPI Baguette me not) and I keep on exploring its "versatility" in the best meaning of this word. And it just makes me feel so comfy, or how to describe it? Well, don't be afraid of them. There are plenty of such shades and some of them must suit you perfectly! ;-)

    1. [Un]fortunately I'm a perfectionist in a way, and not only towards the outer world, but towards myself too :) That's why so much self-criticism :) By the way Baguette Me Not is gorgeous, and pretty rare too, I'm glad that you own it :D If you feel comfy with these colours, you probably have a "yellow" skin undertone? It's just I have red undertone, so such shades should not suit my skin per se.. But I'll keep experimentising :)

  9. Мне очень понравился оттенок! И с топом шикарно сочетается!)

    1. Спасибо :) Я готова этим золотым шиммером поркывать все лаки, я от него просто балдею :)

  10. i think this looks great on you! your father was quite right!
