
28. Juni 2012

Nail Polishes & Travelling + Haul from Russia!

Heeeheeeeeeeey! I'm baaack : ) From a big trip to the biggest country ever. Weeks ago my boss kicked me out of office for a business trip to Russia, but I decided that going for 2 days would not make sense and went for some weeks : ) So the trip was a combination of work&fun.

When I was packing my stuff, I got into a huge dilemma: which polishes should I take? Leaving for weeks (!), and with my habbit to repaint my nails every 2-3 days.. I should have taken like 10. But then I thought: hey, what about local stuff? Am I so stupid to think I won't buy anything in Russia? Sure I will. So I stopped on a number of 5, plus base coat and top coat. Last step was to take only minis - yep, I even have a special set of mini base&top - to save the bag space. So I did : ) 

mini size nail polish
L to R: Depend #228, Pupa #202, Debby ColorPlay #188, OPI RapiDry Top Coat, Mavala Toulouse, Claire's #23(?), Essie Fill The Gap (base coat)

In the end my estimations were right: I wore all the polishes + swatched all of them, and.....
I brought a huge "piece of cake" from Russia! Both of well-known brands and some local masterpieces : ) Guys, for those who are not aware: in Russia (big cities) you can find ev-ry-thing. From Lady Rose to OPIs, Orlys, CGs etc etc etc and from Essence to Deborah Lippmann and USLU Airlines. All you need is just money and patience. Now to the haul!

Firstly local Russian polishes! (left to right):
Smart Enamel "Wet Look" Top Coat: this I got because of a lot of positive reviews, and a recommendation of one of the blogger fellows - Miss Jones. She knows things : ) Because this is a great super fast drying top coat with a super glancy effect! Price: around 2€. 
Dance Legend Thermo #170: you know what it is?? A thermo polish changing from [almost] black to red!!! I was dreaming about it! Price: 10€ (!). 
Dance Legend Domino Top: I mean...look at that one!!!! Black&white glitter top coat! Russian blogger girls are calling it "response to Lynderella", lol! Price: 5-6€. 
Irisk #012: red and silver glitter, very pretty! Actually, the label says "made in France" but oh well... I doubt :)
Then, the world known brands (left to right):
OPI Sparkle-icious: yes!! It's him! Rare HTF thing from Burlesque found in a smaaall shop at the suburbs of Moscow!! Bought together with OPI Show It & Glow It! for 8€, with a lazy-looking seller saying yeeeea they are quite old, noone buys them anyways.. *yawn* o_O!!!!
China Glaze Flying Dragon: despite all the negative reviews I read... when I saw a bottle... oh, my!
China Glaze 2Nite: a, that was funny. I'm not a big fan of holos. But for 2,5€, you know.. who can resist? : )
OPI Show It & Glow It!: couldn't choose between this and OPI Sparkle-icious => took both! :)

And lastly, known brands again. And one not so known.
Nubar Iced Licorice: I was lemming it for ages.. Russia - impossible is nothing.
Seventeen #271: do you know where these polishes are produced? In Greece! Right, why not to sell them in Russia? Especially when in Germany we barely have stuff from France and Switzerland (grrrr!).
Orly Snowcone: also from my wish list. Couldn't resist the price of 3€ :)
So, as you can guess, the programme of the blog for the following weeks is to show you all I took&brought&swatched! Be ready! You can order what you want to see first :)

Now, girls, I wanna talk a bit about you and polishes and travelling! :) For me it's quite vital, since I do travel much.
What do you take to your trips from your manicure stuff? 
How do you choose which polishes to take? And how many?
When you go abroad, do you prepare a "to buy" list? :)

31 Kommentare:

  1. Очень акутальная тема, сама так вот сижу думаю сейчас ,что брать, если вообще что-то брать, потому что понятно, что в поездке без покупок не обойдется. Возьму с собой пилку, пушер, масло для кутикулы, ОПИшный кислотный лосьон для кутикулы, топ, базу и нейтральный лак. Один, остальное куплю на месте. Правда, я на неделю всего еду. Да, смывку еще и пару салфеток для удаления лака плюс крем для рук конечно, без него никуда. Больше ничего для маникюра не возьму. Шоппинг-список готов, конечно, правда лаков в нем практически нет :)

    Отличный шоппинг в России у тебя получился! Согласна, что в крупных городах там можно найти все, особенно, если есть деньги :) А ты куда ездила, если не секрет?

    Рада, что УЭ тебе понравилась. :) Это я от Бамбу узнала о ней :) Теперь это прямо маст-хэв у меня :) Не побоюсь громкого слова :)

    1. Уход я как правило всегда беру, всё в миньках: ждсл, базу, топ, даже Лемони Флаттер в малюсенькую баночку перекладываю и тоже беру, ну и крем конечно. С маслами для кутикулы у меня-таки не сложилось, поэтому мажусь сенсацией или лимонкой Бартс Биз. Когда за границу еду, то беру 1-2 лака (Россия исключение, я думала, у меня не будет особо времени на шоппинг), по Германии всегда больше, т.к. у нас везде ассортимент строго одинаковый.

      Я ездила в Мск-Питер, а ты куда собираешься, на моря? :)

    2. О, в Москву-Питер я бы тоже на шоппинг съездила.. :) Там такие райские кущи!

      Нет, я в Англию, в Лондон точнее. Надо вот мини-тарой разжиться и начать расфасовку. :)

    3. В Лондон? Без лакового to buy list????? Как это??? Там же и Ciate, и Models Own, и Баррики и вообще много добра!!! Я обзавидовалась :) Где-где, а в Англии я еще не была)

    4. Ну, у меня есть одна Сиатешка из хотелок, и то я не уверена, что она меня на месте зажжет. Решила списки не писать, на месте определюсь. А марки мы все знаем же какие смотреть. :)

      В Англию ты доедешь, я в этом нисколько не сомневаюсь :)

  2. I must admit that I'm relying on local stuff when I travel. I bring cotton pads and cotton buds, and a small bottle of remover, but I buy everything else on the spot. :)

    1. Me too, in case I go abroad! But I always take 1-2 polishes with me, just for a back up :)

  3. OHMG what a nice haul - I look forward to seeing them on your nails!
    Sounds like a fantastic trip!

  4. Отличные покупки! Поздравляю! Топ ДЛ "аля Линдерелла" приглянулся! Вот его хочется на ногтях скорее увидеть))
    УЭ - вещь!

    1. Спасибо и тебе, за то что открыла нам секрет УЭ :) Данс топ - просто чумовой!!! Я хожу и крашу им все вокруг :) Свотчи будут через пост!

  5. OMG it's so jealous that you got 2 NITE on such a hyper-low price!!!!! O.O
    Anyway myself, nail for travel, it depends on where I go...I definitely build up my wish list before going, so if there's nothing to buy I grab few polishes from my stash; BUT of course it's really, really rare case hahaha :D

    1. Yea, I was surprised myself!! I even reasked a seller in the shop: "Are you SURE these holos cost 2,5€???" (they had the whole OMG collection on sale!) and she was like *slyly* "yeees, so you better take them while there are some left" :)))
      I only have a WL when I go abroad though.

  6. Великолепные покупку. Очень хочу свотч на Nubar Iced Licorice

    1. Спасибо :) Я очень постараюсь с Нубаром, он мне в настроение никак не попадает :)) У нас тут такое лето, хочется всё время яркости да неоны носить :))

  7. god there are some wonders here, like these 2 beautiful OPI!
    And well, it is to say, that they're cheap! I can't believe it !
    I have to go there;p

    1. Yes, I totally agree, and this is just the result of me shopping there a couple of times! What would happen if I was living there? I would probably own all the rare treasures of nail polish world :)

  8. What do you take to your trips from your manicure stuff?
    The only things I take are cuticle cream, an orange stick (to push back cuticles), some cotton rounds and a travel size polish remover. I generally don't take polishes because I know I will buy (plenty of) nail polish. I also am always worried about losing or breaking my other nail polishes if I were to bring them. And I guess because I'm so obsessive with my small collection I just like to leave it be unless I'm moving residences. And you bet I prepare a buy list when I go abroad!:) I'm so excited to see the swatches!!

    1. Just the usual: nail polish remover, mini base, mini top, mini Lemony flutter, cotton pads of course and a little brush to clean up! Hand cream as well. When I go abroad, I take 1-2 polishes, because I know I'll buy some local beauties :) Buy list is a must, I google swatches and shops very often before a trip. But I'm not really afraid to carry polishes around - from my rich experience of travelling and moving, their bottles are pretty reliable. When I take them to a flight, I just wrap them in socks :))

  9. Wow, that's a great haul Alina.
    I'm so curious about the Dance Legend Thermo. Can't wait to see ty

    1. Thanks, Carolina!! I'm also very curious about this thermo thing, although I didn't try it yet - the shade is too gloomy for summer :{

  10. Какой красотищи ты набрала!!! Я все хоче срочно увидеть, а еще бы лучше в руках повертеть ))))
    DL топ мне теперь нужен срочно, спать не буду )))

    1. Спасибо!! :) Я тоже получила массу удовольствия, повертев впервые в жизни некоторые бренды в руках) А топ DL - я когда его купила - ходила и красила все вокруг)) И подруги у меня его в России постоянно просили накрасить, одна умудрилась уложить его на белый перламутр - получился маникюр а ля "чума поела" :)

  11. These are some great finds, I am liking them all. Surprised they cost so little over there, I always thought Russia was expensive

    1. Weeell, RUSSIA is not expensive, but Moscow is. I always knew it, so I was struggling to score a good price :) Sometimes I was just lucky :)

  12. Some beautiful polishes there!

  13. Can't believe you got a CG holo for such a low price. Lucky you!

  14. Wow beautiful buys (and some are really a bargain). I never went to Russia, but I'd expected polishes there to be more expensive, too!
    Actually I don't travel that much (not for work, and if I have to travel with kids...No time to/for polish) but for a short trip I tend to wear a low maintenance polish (no vampies, chips are horrible if you can't retouch them). I do prepare a "to buy" list, checking swatches from local bloggers and even looking for store adresses before we leave (as I did last March, when me and my husband went for a couple days to London), even if the best thing is entering randomly a store and...Discover new brands, find dusties...<3<3

    1. Thank you :) It depends where you buy them - in which city, which shop and under which conditions. Russia imports a lot of everything, and sometimes you can find nice deals - on sales, or just in little unknown shops..
      I also prepare a "to buy" list, google swatches of local brands, and yes, sometimes even shop addresses. So I did in April when me and bf went to Italy :) I knew what I'm gonna find there, but in reality I found much more, and that was a nice surprise :)
