
31. August 2012

Hellenic Duo

Soo I'm back from holidays again, this time from Greece :) Amazing country with amazing landscape, delicious food if not swimming in olive oil and nice maybe a bit too loud people.. I wish could go there again and again!

Knowing that I'll have no time for stamping, sponging, dotting and even proper manicure routine, I decided to go into duo colour manis, because I still wanted something more special than just plain polish. So I did: version 1: yellow and lilac Essence polishes flom Blossoms LE. 

And version 2: pink and fuchsia baby Alessandros, here you can see the bottles and the pink one alone.

Excuse me the quality of manis and photos: my personal photographer has a lot of space to improve his art skills :)
What can I say? I loved doing duo manicures! Silly me not to try it earlier :)

What about you? Do you like duos?

20 Kommentare:

  1. Очень милые маникюры. И ноготки как всегда прекрасны!

    1. Большое спасибо, мне очень приятно :)

  2. Lovely! They both look so pretty! Your personal photographer did great! :)

    1. Thank you! :) My personal photographer was so confused when I was looking through the photos he shot and shouting "Wroooong!! How am I going to post it!! Once again!" :)

  3. I love both, but the pink is my favorite!!

  4. I like your duo's - both of them.
    I sounds like a great vacation :)

  5. Well, I must say I love duos! And, plus, the way you did it, changing the order of colours on one hand and the other. I loved it ^__^ Amazing how the second manicure has the same colour but in different shades, but the contrast is so evident! :)

    1. Thank you :) I fell in love with duos too! Nothing difficult, but makes a manicure so much more interesting.. :)

  6. Heyyy what a coincidence! I just polished my nails with a duo today myself! It'll be the next post on my blog in a couple of days :D
    I' did that "homa manicure" I saw some girls talking about... have you seen it?

    1. Really? Cool! :) :) Looking forward to your post! :)
      "Homa" - no, I hear it for the first time. Is it a normal duo? Or the colours should be in reverse order on the hands?

  7. Прелесть!!!! И не поверишь, если двухцветный, я только вот так всегда крашу, в обратном порядке на другой руке ))
    Мне оба варианта очень понравились

    1. Спасибо :) Ты знаешь, я очень долго примерялась, как накрасить - какие пальцы в каком порядке итд. - вот получились две такие комбинации :)

  8. i really like it too, I tried neon pink & turquoise and really love it. But well I wasn't expected yelow and lilac would be so perfect together!

    1. Thanks! I neither thought of lilac and yellow, but I just coincidentally saw 2 bottles of polish standing together, and it looked so pretty that I decided to try :)

  9. I really like duos too and both of your duos looked great! I have to also say that I always love seeing your vacation nail pics, I think they are great! :)

    1. Thank you so much :) I must say I love sharing trip pics too, it's much more fun than making "standardised swatches" :)

  10. Чудесные маникюры, чудесные фотографии, чудесная Греция. А ты ведь и вправду никогда дуо не делала, мне кажется, тебе очень идет. И вообще, в отпуске такой фан - самое оно :)

    1. Спасибо :) Я очень поздно прониклась идеей дуо, поначалу я вообще их не воспринимала)) Еще было прикольно, когда я покупала что-то в киоске, а из него высунулась женская рука в розово-фуксиевом дуо, прям такие же оттенки) Вот мы посмеялись с девушкой)
