
2. Oktober 2012

Swap №11: First WIC & Indie!

After quite a while I did another spontaneous swap. Lovely Sarah from Netherlands contacted me about one polish we had here in Germany, and in exchange she offered something I couldn't resist :) Here's what she sent me: 

Left to right:
- Hugo Boss Nuit parfume (I loooved it!)
- W.I.C. by Herome Bogota
- China Glaze Stone Cold
- Lush Lacquer Party Rockin
So, I got my first W.I.C. by Herome nail polish, first indie brand polish, Stone Cold which I was chasing mainly for stamping, a bunch of nice sweets and a cool perfume. How pleasant is that! : )

Traditionally, I'm showing swatches of one of the received polishes, although I tried all of them already. But for this time, it's W.I.C. by Herome Bogota:

W.I.C. WIC Herome Bogota

W.I.C. WIC Herome Bogota

I was craving Bogota since I saw some random swatches long ago. Moreover, I so much liked the concept of W.I.C. (by the way W.I.C. means World Inspired Colours) - naming the polishes by cities/countries! Before recently I had not a single connection with Bogota as a city, until my bf went there for a couple weeks for his work and brought a bunch of interesting pictures and stories. I think I urgently need "Frankfurt" too :)

W.I.C. WIC Herome Bogota

Bogota has a muted dusty greyish-blueish jelly base complemented by golden shimmer. The texture is semi-sheer and light, the coverage in 2 coats gives a decent opacity though. If you don't want the 'tip wear effect' which is so common for jelly polishes, you have to polish your nail tips well, also from the ridges.

W.I.C. WIC Herome Bogota

W.I.C. WIC Herome Bogota

The closest shade to Bogota that I had in my stash was Orly Pixie Dust, so I couldn't but post a lil comparison. The difference is that Pixie Dust is greyer, and has silver half-flakies half-shimmer, and Bogota is bluer with golden shimmer. Because I love such texture so much, I'll keep both in my stash.

W.I.C. WIC Herome Bogota Orly Pixie Dust

And, although I won't post swatches of China Glaze Stone Cold today, I'll show how it stamps instead. It was exactly the reason why I wanted this polish - a graphite shade for stamping. And I was right, it does work well, with one only condition: you have to be fast. By fast I mean lightning fast. Otherwise it dries on the stamper and never transfers to a nail. With some efforts to understand its character, here is the result I got: 

China Glaze Stone Cold konad

China Glaze Stone Cold konad

China Glaze Stone Cold konad

Oh, and I can't wait to show Stone Cold alone! It's such an enchanting matte graphite polish.. And Lush Lacquer is great too. So stay tuned : ) 

19 Kommentare:

  1. Какой красивый лак!!! Просто хочется смотреть на него и смотреть, особенно меня крупные офто завораживают. И кто бы подумал, что золотистый шиммер так удачно впишется.
    Скажи, а для тебя Pixie dust больше голубой или серый? а то я себя с ним дальтоником чувствую, он у меня один в один как одна моя...грязно-голубая кофта.. :) а все говорят серый
    Stone gold понравился: ))) я рада, помню, что про штампы именно говорили.

    1. Он такой, да :) Меня тоже приворожило сочетание пыльно-голубого цвета и золотистого шиммера :)
      Pixie Dust у меня строго серый, голубизну оооочень редко слабо проявляет. Я знаю, о чем ты говоришь, я помню, что смотрела твои свотчи Pixie Dust и лак сразу даже не узнала) Может у нас бутыльки разного разлива?)
      Stone Cold хорошо с конадом работает, только надо молниеносно все делать.

  2. Aww, what a lovely swap - it's so exciting to swap :)

  3. Amazing stamping! Those colous look perfect together!

  4. Great swap, love your manicure and the polish is absolutely stunning!

  5. Bogota looks gorgeous!! It reminds me of an OPI from the Holland collection, maybe it has more periwinkle in it, though?

    1. Thanks! Holland OPIs have silver shimmer, more like OPI Pixie Dust, and Bogota has the golden one. Maybe that's why I like Bogota better! :)

  6. great swap, love what you got, and mani looks awesome, it's so elegant... but when i think about it, every mani looks elegant on your pretty nails :D

  7. WIC is very much my kind of color it looks great on you :D

    1. Thank you! WIC belongs also to my favourite pallette! :)
