
5. Dezember 2012

Dance Legend #170 Thermo

What is in common between

                               this polish...                                                               and this polish?
Dance Legend 170Dance Legend 170

Well, a lot, since it's ONE polish - Dance Legend #170
As you could guess, it's one of those supercreative inventions - a polish that changes colour depending on the temperature. I absolutely love this type of polishes, and in case of Dance Legend #170, I also love the drastic change and the colour range - from red to dark aubergine.

So, when the hands are warm, the shade looks like this:

Dance Legend 170

And when the hands are cold, it becomes like this:

Dance Legend 170

But the most fun are the colour transitions!

Dance Legend 170

Dance Legend 170

And my favourite state is when the nail tips are dark, and the rest is red. Looks like a fancy gradient.

Dance Legend 170

Dance Legend 170

The formula of the polish is tricky though. The polish is goopy and  you have to take care of layering it without bald spots. But the biggest draw is the brush: too thick and harsh for my taste, it just doesn't allow to draw a nice cuticle line. The finish is somewhat satin, which I don't really like, so you'll need a top coat for the gloss - but hey, for this kind of special polish I'm ready to tolerate whatever tricks to layer it properly : ) On all photos you see 2 coats of polish + top coat.

Dance Legend 170

Despite the speciality and the original beauty of the polish, I decided to go further and stamped in with dark aubergine colour Yes Love #504 and Cheeky Plates CH44.

Dance Legend 170

Dance Legend 170

Dance Legend 170

Dance Legend #170 is definitely one of the most "interactive" polishes in my stash, and by far the favourite one of my bf, who couldn't stop playing with the colour change : )
Special thanks to Antallex for sending me this beauty : ) 

34 Kommentare:

  1. This is the best color change polish I've seen on the blogs. It's going on my WL.

    1. I have exactly the same opinion :) Oh, you haven't seen Trio-Colour-Changing polishes by Dance Legend yet!! They transform within 3 shades instead of 2.. fantastic!

  2. Блин, надо все-таки и себе его заиметь наконец) С каждым новым свотчем все притягательнее и притягательнее)

    1. Обязательно! :) Я считаю, он должен быть у каждого ценителя лаков :)

  3. OMG Alina, I love this!!! Your manicure is stunning!!

    1. Thank you, dear Carolina!! This polish is amazing to play with :)

  4. I cannot believe my eyes right now! That is just so cool and amazing *-*

    1. Hihi :) I'm glad you're impressed, it means that it's indeed a cool polish :)

  5. wow this is fabulous! I really love the final result and the quality looks really good!

    1. Thanks, Natalie! The quality is ok, just some difficulties with application but it's totally worth it, I think! :)

  6. This is so gorgeous, and a nice way of combining the polishes!

    1. Uhm, thanks :) You mean the stamping? Otherwise it's one polish :)

  7. So. Friggin'. Awesome. I would love to own this too.

    1. Hehe, thank you :) I'm really lucky to have this one, Dance Legend is quite an inaccessible from abroad brand.. :)

  8. Qué esmalte tan increíble! Esto sí que es una transición y no el azul-verde o rosa-lila que hemos visto hasta ahora...
    Espectacular también con la estampación!

    1. Gracias! Pues sí, por supuesto es más 'interactivo' que rosa-lila :) La transición es más explicita.. y tan bonita! :)

  9. Все-таки проблемно он ложится. Ну тогда точно не буду себе брать, к тому же у меня длинный свободный край - редкая роскошь ))
    На тебе очень красиво и главное, чтоб понравился эффект. Но когда я увидела со штампами - просто бесподобно!
    Теперь тебе надо попробовать термо-трио, пишут, что они качеством гораздо лучше, послушнее и переход температур более быстрый.

    1. Да, небеспроблемный он, кисть тоже не айс, но я готова все это терпеть ради эффекта)) Мой мч тоже восхитился, мои руки десять минут болтали в раковине в холодной-горячей воде, наблюдая за переходами цвета)))
      Термо-трио очень клевые судя по свотчам, ты хоть их-то себе возьмешь?)

    2. Их возьму, очень нравятся именно оттенками, правда только два варианта из трех возможных. А тебе брать? Там еще топы новые, ты посмотри на сайте

    3. Мне они тоже очень нравятся, и топы тоже, только я думаю немного отложить их покупку, у меня столько неопробованных, просто жуть!! И еще в пути сколько.. И может я еще любимую родину скоро посещу, там куплю если что. Спасибо за предложение все равно!! :)

  10. I .. LOVE IT LOVE IT <3 above all with the stamping design!

  11. Kannst du einen Onlineshop empfehlen, wo man Dance Legend bekommt und der nach Deutschland verschickt?

    1. Existiert noch nicht, soweit ich weiß :{ Man kann nur mit Russinnen swappen, um DLs zu bekommen..

    2. Schade, kann man nichts machen. Vielleicht kommt das irgendwann noch :)

  12. Amazing! I can see why is your bf fave. I'd do the same, lol!

    1. Hehe :) It's probably the only polish he saw and couldn't stop saying "omg, is that for real??!" :)

  13. Wow this is the most intense change nail polish I've seen, it's definitely worth all the trouble with the application. I like how you stamped it for a more interesting effect

    1. Thanks! The colour transition is so strong, so I can't but like it, and even the application didn't matter much.. :)

  14. I love this kind of polish, expecially when the color changement is so drastic, as you also wrote.

    1. Exactly, me too! The colour changing from red to dark aubergine is something I haven't seen in the polish world yet! :)

  15. Now that's what I call a colour change nail polish! :D

    1. Exactly! All this boring purple-pink transitions just fade away comparing to this one! :)

  16. Wow! I'm blown away by this. It is definitely worth the trouble and with the stamping it is unbelievable. I can't stop looking at it!!

    1. Imagine how I couldn't stop playing with the effect! :) Even my boyfriend was fiddling around with my hands all the time to watch the colour change lol
