
9. Januar 2013

Gold on Gold

"In a very timely manner" (I know, I know... : { ) I'm showing you my New Year's Eve manicure. Gold on gold, as you can see yourself. For some reason I have an inner belief that if I wear something gold on the night of 1st January, it will bring more prosperity (read here: money) next year. It has never come true yet, lol, but never say never!

On the photo you see the 7th (!) day of wearing Milani Gold over 2 coats of China Glaze Midnight Kiss. The latter is a cool-toned golden foil, which I basically wear each year around Christmas time. I feel so bad I didn't manage to make nice swatches of it.. it's so worth it! And Milani Gold is a big-sized golden glitter. I believe it should be awarded with "the hardest polish to remove EVER" title : ) It took me 40 minutes to get rid of it - with a foil method!!! But it was so nice and blingy when I was wearing it : ) 

27 Kommentare:

  1. How funny, around here the color to bring prospreity in the following year is blue lol xD Even with a single picture I can tell I LOVE the golden combo, it looks so sparkly and gorgeous! Also 40min are worth after 7 days, I think eh eh. Kisses**


    1. Thanks! Blue, really? :) :) Funny, how traditions vary from place to place :) And yes, you are right, 40 mins removal were totally worth 7 days and the compliments I got for my nails :)

  2. 7th day? o.o
    It looks perfect! I think its beauty makes up for the difficult removal!

    1. Yep, I was in the trip and had no time to repaint my nails so .. 7 days :) That's why I also thought it was worth it :)

  3. 7 дней-это хороший показатель :)Смотрю, все сейчас по глиттерным лакам :) Я тоже парочку топов купила. Скоро и сама блестеть буду.

    1. Этот с новогодних времен, а вообще глиттеры я очень даже люблю) 7 дней это конечно хорошо, но под конец я уже не могла дождаться, когда я чем-нибудь другим накрашу)

  4. wow, i don't consider myself a big fan of gold nails but this is so awesome :D

    1. Thanks! Nice to know it impressed even the people who are indifferent to glitters :)

  5. Seven days is amazing! And 40 minutes to remove it, wow!
    It looks really great!

    1. Thank you! I agree with the girls, 40 minutes were worth it :)

  6. WOW Now that's a gold mani! :D Gorgeous!

  7. Wow!!! This mani is so gorgeous! Its super elegant and classy. Love it!

  8. WOW it really is beautiful, worhth the time spent removing it LOL

  9. Looks like you stuck coins onto your nails, so your wish technically SHOULD come true! :) very blingy, and exactly what I'd wear for New Years Eve!!

    1. Coins.. so true! Just now I realised that! Well, when to wear such blingy manis if not for New Years! :)

  10. It's so gold :D I hope this year it will bring you financial prosperity ;)

    1. Haha, thank you!! I don't know if it was possible to make this mani more gold than that! :)

  11. И правда как монетки! Очень здорово!
    40 минут снятия...ты меня просто убила. Есть у меня один крупный глиттер, я теперь и подходить к нему боюсь ))

    1. Про монетки я только сейчас углядела ассоциацию)) 40 минут, да, двойное замачивание в фольге, а потом отскребание от ногтей все равно. Может твой глиттер не будет таким стойким?)

  12. Красота! ЧГ я под таким глиттерным великолепием и не признала сразу :) Но идея сочетать золото с золотом очень интересная.

    1. Спасибо! Золото с красным я уже понасочетала по-всякому, на НГ вот золота с золотом захотелось :)

  13. This mani is really bling-y, I hope it will bring you a lot of prosperity in 2013 ;-) and that the "gold" moment will last long, at least as the polish did on your nails!
