
14. Januar 2013

Party Rockin' Cashmere Cardigan

For a long time, starting even from pre-blogging period of my life, I've been craving Orly Cashmere Cardigan. Somehow I was sure that I will not find any dupes, and even if, I still wanted the original. After 2 years craving, I almost gave up hoping: none of the online shops had it, none of the fellow bloggers could find it. And suddenly, in the best traditions of Bollywood, it appears on German ebay and I win the auction with 3 euros. Happiness : ) 

Orly Cashmere Cardigan

Orly Cashmere Cardigan

Cashmere Cardigan is a [stunning] muted periwinkle creme, with a perfect 2-coat application. Generally Orly polishes work great for me, so I don't have any single complaint.

Orly Cashmere Cardigan

Orly Cashmere Cardigan

After wearing Casmere Cardigan solo for a day, I decided that it's also a great base colour for Lush Lacquer Party Rockin' - the only indie polish I have in my stash (thanks to a swap with Sarah) : ) Party Rockin' is a mixture of multicolour and multishape glitter. Just click on the pics below to have a closer look of what's included in this mix : ) In any case, it's very party and very rocking : )

Lush Lacquer Party Rockin

Lush Lacquer Party Rockin

Lush Lacquer Party Rockin

23 Kommentare:

  1. Обожаю этот лак и его сиреневую нотку. Гугл перевел тебя в определении цвета как "барвинок" )))
    Мне кажется, очень весенний лак.

    1. Хехе, я не знаю, кто такой барвинок, но я загуглила - вроде похож)) Я вообще незабудку имела в виду)) Весенний 100%! Но он ко мне осенью приехал, было долго ждать весны))

  2. Oh Cashmere Cardigan is gorgeous, I see why you wanted it so much!!

    1. I think the same: gorgeous colour! :) How could I NOT want it.. :)

  3. Love the Orly color. It also looks great with glitter. :)

  4. Очень люблю этот лак! Он и сейчас у меня на ногтях ))

    1. Я вас прекрасно понимаю! Сама его люблю :)

  5. Wow, you were really lucky to find this prettiness this cheap!

  6. :)) I have it, and I totally understand you - I love this polish a lot!

  7. OMG! You are one lucky girl! This has been my lemming for ages! Looke amazing on you. But don't cover it with glitter, let it breath :D

    1. Hehe, well, it was my lemming for ages too.. :) Now I'm super happy to have it. You are right, it's very pretty, next time I'll wear it alone :)

  8. Oh you lucky girl, it's so gorgeous :D I still haven't tried any of the Orlys but when I do I'll start with the pinks :)

    1. Hehe, it's true, sometimes I managed to get huge lemmings for tiny prices :) Orlys are very nice, and you're so right: they have gorgeous pinks!

  9. awesome color indeed :D
    lovely combo with those glitters :D

  10. uuuuuh pretty! and the periwinkle looks so good on you!

  11. Безусловно прекрасный цвет и очень тебе идет . И глиттерное украшательство очень неплохо вписалось. Морозно и празднично )
