
21. Juli 2013

Fashionista At The Party

Remember the first Fashionista polish that I was showing recently? I have another one, this time El Corazón Fashionista At The Party (orig. Модница на вечеринке). Bright, summery, eye-catching - a perfect combination for the warm summer days :) 

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

Just like its lilac sister, Fashionista At The Party is a bright, even neon-y jelly with white hexagonal and smaller-sized white "sand" glitter. It's just the base colour is barbie pink instead of lilac.

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

Believe me, you WILL be gathering looks (and questions) with this polish on :) I did! Mostly of my colleagues and people in the subway :) 

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

The application was very similar too: 2 easy coats, not so well-drying though, so you'll have to use a fast dry top coat. As I was writing already, using top coat also adds some glossy-glassy look, which I like so much in these polishes.

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

I have a weird skin tone colour on these photos, please disregard it! You probably know how hard it is to photograph the neon polishes... :) 

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

Usual close-up pics:

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

El Corazon Модница на вечеринке

If you want to get your hands on any of El Corazon pretty things, you cam simply write them an e-mail listing your order - they ship worldwide! Also, you can browse through their collections on El Corazón web-site.
*The nail polish was kindly provided by El Corazón company for my consideration. In this post I expressed my honest and unbiased opinion about the product.

16 Kommentare:

  1. It's not fair at all that you have so many amazing polishes and brands in Russia!
    not fair...
    ;) AMAZING!

    1. Thanks!! What do you say for the US then? Haha! There is the polish heaven! :)

  2. Antworten
    1. Спасибо, мне очень приятно :)

  3. This is a terrific pink glitter - love it so much (and I don't like glitters normally ;)

    1. I know you are not a big glitter fan, and that's why I'm so glad to read this comment of yours! Thank you! :)

  4. I love how it looks on you, so delicate but very interesting :D

    1. Thank you!! Delicate? Hmm.. I'd say right-in-one's-face, rather than delicate, but I totally agree with the "interesting" part :)

  5. эта коллекция у ЕС весьма удачная получилась.
    лак красиво смотрится.

    1. Здесь я полностью согласна. Спасибо! :))

  6. This is such a sweet colour!! And I absolutely LOVED the lilac sister too♥ Do you know if we can get our hands on this amazing polish in the UK too??


    1. Thank you so much! :) Actually I love the whole collection!
      El Corazon ships worldwide, just ask them via e-mail (e-mail ID in the end of my post) :)

  7. So cute! I feel like buying a pink t-shirt with white dots now. Don't know why :D

  8. Славный очень! И я согласна, что коллекция вся милая вышла. Люди писали, что сохнут долго, но я не заметила. Все обычно, особенно для глиттеров в желе
