
13. Juli 2013

Vitrage Nails

Vitrage patterns always catch my attention, both in art and home deco. For a long time I was wondering about the possibility to incorporate mosaic elements into a nail design, and unexpectedly a solution was found - nail water decals by KKCenterHk.

mosaic nails

The decals I was using are actually not separate pieces or nail strips, it's a single decal sheet which you can cut in whichever shapes you like. Probably that's why it's called DIY water decals. By the way, KKCenterHk has a great variety of decals and patterns, check their web-site to see the whole range. Actually, I was expecting the size of the decal to be larger than it is, in reality it's around 5x7cm, so it's only enough for 1 full manicure if you decide to cut into full nail strips. 

KKCenterHk water decals

So, how was I using it? Firstly, I painted my nails with good old China Glaze Secret Peri-winkle, and then the fun began :)
What you should know about these water decals is:
- you have to remove the protection film! Very important.
- you have to cut the desired shape before dipping the decal into water.
- you have to soak these decals longer than usual: 10 to 15 mins according to the KKCenterHk web-site, I'd say you better wait up to 15 and then gently try to remove the paperback. If it slides - then the decal is ready to be placed on your nails.
- you have to be gentle and careful all the time, these decals are very thin, especially without the paperback.
- you have to use the top coat over the decals, 2 coats are even better than one.

KKCenterHk water decals

To be honest, I had to practise a bit before I managed to place the nail stripes accurately and seal them. While wet, the decal slides over your nail, which is good cuz you can reposition it at any time, but also tricky when you try to keep it on place. Working with smaller pieces (i.e. not full nail) is much easier, and next time I will rather cut just parts of the patterns.

vitrage nails

mosaic nail art

Overall, I liked the experience of playing around with these decals - it was also quite new for me. Still way to go to reach the perfect application but I'm looking forward to further practising! :) 
*The water decals were kindly provided by KKCenterHk PR team for my consideration. In this post I expressed my honest and unbiased opinion about the product.

27 Kommentare:

  1. so very beautiful and refined! I love stained glass patterns on nails, as well in interiors :)

    1. Thank you! Me too!! I love watercoloured mosaic the most! :)

  2. как классно наклейки вписались в пару к лаку!

    1. Спасибо! Я как-то сразу подумала o Periwinkle, когда искала пару к наклейкам :)

  3. Beautiful! I love this colorful pattern of the foil.

  4. I really love the finished look of the decal but you're right, the sheet of them seems pretty small!

    1. Thank you! Yes, to be honest I'd like the decals to be bigger since the design is so cool :)

  5. It's incredible I never used decals and I keep seeing beautiful manicure like yours out there! Gorgeous! Kisses,


    1. Thank you so much! Try the decals, you'll like them - so easy to use :)

  6. It's pretty and it reminds me a bit about scattered glass :)

    1. Thank you! It does, indeed, just multicolour scattered glass :)

  7. Cute! I like it as a full nail design but then not on all nails :)

    1. Thanks! I didn't do it on all nails because cutting the nail strip of your nails turned out to be not easy at all :) But actually I like it more as 2 accent nails as well :)

  8. Как красиво! И спасибо за подробное описание процесса! я сначала подумала, что ты сама рисовала, пока до фото наклеек не промотала ))

    1. Спасибо! Нет, ты что, я бы за такое даже и не взялась рисовать, я люблю чтоб тяп-ляп и готово) На всякие мелкие прорисованные детальки у меня не хватит терпения никогда)

  9. Lovely review! I usually think water decals are a pain to apply, but for this pattern I think it may be worthy trying!

    1. Thank you! Small water decals are really easy to apply, the bigger ones (full nail etc.) are much harder to worker with, simply because the nails are not flat. Both are worth trying though, water decals are fun :) And an easy way to embellish your nails.

  10. Очень красиво получилось, особенно сочетание цветов витраж - лак. Моя любимая гамма.

  11. When I saw it I thought you draw it and I thought: OMG, it's a piece of art! :-) Then I read that these are water decals, but I still like them! :-) I would like to try to do this manicure "hand-made", if I try it I will let you know :-)
    You have a beautiful nail shape, I love it! :-)
