
26. Februar 2014

Day Light vs Lamp

Some days ago I painted my nails in the evening and realised I won't have the chance to swatch them. I work during the day time when there's the right light to swatch, and in some days I'll have a new manicure already. So I did what I have never done before - swatched it under the lamp *sigh*. 

The thing is - ALL of my previous nail pics are taken under the natural day light, with maybe 1-2 exceptions. And my opinion is that it must be so, as the artificial light distorts the real colours. On the other hand, swatching under the lamp is really convenient - if you have a good camera. My oldie just can't set the white balance right.

Milani Gems Essie Angora Cardi

As for the manicure itself, I'm wearing Milani Gems over Essie Angora Cardi. The transparent (in the past) base of Gems got some weird mauvish tint, and now I can only wear it over red, mauve or dark polishes. Gotta find a substitute for Gems.. : ( 

Milani Gems Essie Angora Cardi

So, what do you think about the artificial light swatches? They look weird to me, but still.. publishable. Is it ok if I'll be posting "lamp pics" every now and then? : {

10 Kommentare:

  1. I think they're okay even though daylight pics are better... For me it's almost impossible to get daylight pics in winter, even if I would have a day off from work and be the most light-possible noontime at home the wheather can still be cloudy and gray and ruin it all. SO I have a daylight lamp (only one) and I think I should have 2 of them plus maybe a lightbox, too but I'm quite not there yet... :)

    1. Hmm... I can handle the gloomy light (although hardly) in winter, it's just I'm never at home during the daylight. So I'm currently researching on the day light lamps and playing with the settings of my poor old camera. As much as I'd like to have a light box with the right lightning, I don't think I'll have it. It's just too much for me hehe :)

  2. I agree with you, I always shoot with daylight whenever possible but in winter it's dark by the time I get home and swatching only during the weekends is kind of difficult. The best advice I received is using daylight bulbs and if you use more than one lamp make sure the bulbs are the same.

    I have a canon dlsr so the white balance settings are a little bit better and I'm able to use a gray card and custom white balance...even with it its still not even close to shooting under the sun.


    1. Right now I'm swatching on weekends + publishing old swatches from the last summer/autumn. I'm far from being an expert on lightning, I'm researching on that, but I thought what I had IS a day light lamp, nevertheless I don't get good swatches. I can't adjust the WB manually on my camera, it adjusts automatically, which is far from perfect to my taste. I guess I have to get a new camera finally and a superpower day light bulb lol

  3. You might want to change the light source or change the settings in your camera, it just takes a few changes...

    1. Both the light source and the camera itself, haha! Thanks for your advice! :)

  4. Der Essie Angora gefällt mir ja absolut gut, bitte mehr solche Designs! Ich bleibe dir gleich mal als Leserin erhalten und freue mich auf mehr von dir.

    Schau doch gern mal auf Makeupcouture vorbei, ich würde mich sehr freuen, auch dich öfter als Leserin begrüßen zu dürfen.

    Alles Liebe, Sanny

    1. Vielen Dank, Sanny! Ich schaue doch ganz oft auf deinem Blog vorbei ;)

  5. I also hate swatching under the lamp, I always have to tweak the colours for them to be real. At this point I am using the lamp only for nails arts, where the colours are not overly important. And I keep the proper swatches to daylight only.

    1. Hmm that's a good strategy! I neither care much about colours when I'm showing nail art, in case of swatches I try to be meticulously precise with the colour. I try - as much as I can try with a shitty daylight in a northern country in winter lol
