
7. Februar 2014

The BIG day has come, because...

... I HAVE NO MORE UNTRIEDS!!! !!! !!!

And only nail polish addicts (i.e. you!) can fully understand what it means! In practice it means that I wore each and every of my [currently] 322 polishes. Soooo proud of that, pheew. 

Twice I was sooo close, having 1 untried left, but on that exact day a parcel with the newbies would arrive. But now I can enjoy the fact fully :) 

Lil bit of statistics: out of 322 polishes I own, I swatched 201 and posted the swatches of 159 polishes.
Plus those that I swatched and gave away / sold / got rid of etc. Yet a looooong way to go, it means I won't stop blogging in the following... some years :D

Generally, my stash is conditionally separated into the following 4 clusters: "to swatch", "to use up", "my preciousssss" and "wanna wear in the nearest time". There used to be the 5th batch - "untrieds", but now it's gone, HOOOORAAAAY!!!

How about you, girls? How many untrieds do you have? How do you organise your stash? 

27 Kommentare:

  1. Вот это да! я не думаю, что доживу до того момента, как попробую все свои лаки, сейчас на очереди порядка 20-30 девственников)) Правда, я по осени провела глобальную чистку и продала штук 70 точно, осталось, может быть, 250.. надо посчитать.
    В данный момент лаки хранятся у меня по маркам. Раньше была коробка для неопробованных, но при переезде я все расставила по своим местам. Теперь просто решаю какой цвет и текстуру хочу, есть ли у меня такой ненакрашенный и если есть, то крашу им)

    1. Девственники, хаха)) по 20-30 и у меня бывало, что уж) ой, продала 70?? мне и 10 жалость не даст сплавить(( а ты где умудрилась продать сразу столько, в нэйл сэйле?

  2. Well, I have a few that I didn't tried it yet, between 20-40, the problem is that I ordered more, so I need more time and space for it.

    1. Haha, that's the problem, once you think, "ok, soon I'll get rid of the untrieds, there are only 5-10-15 of them", but then you realise: "oh, plus this package I ordered.. and that other one..". So familiar :D

  3. Good! :-) Usually I have max 10 untried polishes, but at the moment the number might be around 30, thanks to 2 some nail mail packages and Kiko sales :-)

    1. 10 untrieds is a "controlled" amount, hehe ;) Oh, sales, swaps and nail mails are famous untrieds multiplicators :)

  4. Congratulations, that seems like a real achievement! I have a huge collection and right now it's far from being very organized - what a shame.

    1. Oh, I'm a bit of organization maniac in this regard XD I have an excel file with all the polish stash list, which I update after every painting :)

  5. Lucky you, it must feel relieving in a way!

    I have maany untried...

    1. To be honest, having untrieds was a serious obstacle for buying new polishes for me. I just felt that I was not in control of my stash.. so yes. It was VERY relieving :D

  6. Yay! Congratulations....I'm waaaay behind with my untrieds, there are almost fifty waiting for their chance.

    I organize them by untried/used and them by brand otherwise I cannot find them easily. As soon as I'm done with the untrieds I'm gonna borrow your idea and create the "my precious" section.


    1. Wow, fifty untrieds must be exciting in a way! Actuit, my bottles are stuffed in several boxes by a geographical principle: polishes from US, South (Spain, Portugal, Greece etc), Russia and Germany. And the last box is the polishes I need to swatch/review. All the rest is a conditional separation, it rather exists in my mind :)

  7. YAY - good for you :) - my stash of untrieds is very, very high LOL - but I'm on a mission too!

    1. The big day will come for you too, I believe :) It's a very special feeling, I must say!

  8. That's really my dream. I have 204 nail polishes and 48 of them are untried. And I dream of that moment when I would choose just a polish I want, not that I haven't tried.)

    1. Exactly my thoughts, word by word :) THE day will surely come for you too!

  9. поздравляю!! если бы у меня была коробка для неопробованных, там бы находилась половина лаков)) в последнее время они все копятся и копятся

    1. спасибо)) а я прямо не могла видеть эту кучу неоткрытых бутылочек, и даже одно время ничего не покупала, пока они не исчезли))

  10. Yaay :) I have a few untrieds too but all the polish I own is atleast swatched on a nail wheel ;)

    1. :) That's great! I don't know why, but I never polish my 4-5 nails just for the swatches, I always wear a full manicure..

  11. congrats, this is really great achievement :D
    at this moment, i have some 70-80 untrieds... seems like i'll never be able to show them all... but i'm trying :D

    1. Thanks! 70-80? Oh my!! To be honest, I never had that many :) But you'll do it! At least you have a looot of blogging material :)

  12. That's great! :D I do need to sort my untrieds too... I know I have enough polishes to use a differente one each day for two years so.... I'm not really looking forward to that task right now XDDDDD But I certainly must do it! With Christmas I always need to make a tough decision: cut my nails or no Christmas baking :P and that is a huge delay for trying polishes :D But I'm glad you did it! :D

    1. Thanks!! I guess your stash is twice as big as mine? Fantastic!! :) Why cutting your nails while cooking? I just shorten mine a bit usually.. :)

  13. I would have sworn that I commented on this post already :/ yay for getting rid of untrieds, I don't have untrieds just the unswatched ones :D thirtyish of them XD

  14. Oh my goodness, my untrieds stash is at least twice as big as the tried one!!! And I'm working so hard to get it down! :

  15. Вот это ты молодчина! У меня более сотни не пробованных и мне стыдно )) сейчас при переезде примерно прикинула и прослезилась ))
