
2. Juni 2011

My Australian Mates (part I)

Although my stash is not so huge, it includes polishes from many different countries: up to Scandinavia and ... down to Australia :) Yep, even from there. Recently I got two new maties from there, piCture pOlish Sparkle and Ozotic Pro 621:

piCture pOlish Sparkle consists of white/silver perlmut base and tiny multicolour glitter particles. Pretty unique shade I'd say, I haven't seen any similar polishes. The formula is nice, number of coats depends on one's taste: it looks nice already with 2 coats, but VNL haters should rather use 3. Drying time is alright, the brush is also convenient, at least for me.

What I love about this shade is that it's so subtle and interesting at the same time. I couldn't stop staring at my nails, constantly watching at these multicolour particles :)

In my opinion this polish looks extremely nice with light-blue jeans clothes:

I should say, so far I have only positive impressions from this brand. Of course, I'd like to try more piCture pOlishes, so as soon as I have a couple of spare euros, I'll definitely order a pair of other shades.

If you are interested, you can see the whole assortiment of the brand at piCture pOlish official site, they have a lot of interesting colours!

Do you have any polishes from Australia? Share your experience :)

*These polishes were kindly provided to me by piCture pOlish for free, however, this didn't influence my opinion.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous color! I really like this silver :D

  2. That's a nice polish :) I can't wait to see the ozotic pro swatch! I've seen different posts about this brand, and I think it's really interesting.
    Have a nice day!

  3. ОЧень необычный лак. Интересный. У них цены на сайте, я полагаю, в австралийских долларах?

    Жду свотчи Озотика. :)

  4. @Anutka: yeah, I like this polish too! Seems pretty unique to me + nicest formula.

    @Elsa P.: I think so too :) I really like the assortiment of polishes @ piCture pOlish! Ozotic is cooming soon! :)

    @Miss Jones: мне он тоже показался интересным, вроде неброский, но я несколько раз ловила себя на рассматривании глиттера, цветов они не пожалели :)
    Цены на сайте в австралийский долларах, всё правильно. А я жду солнца, чтобы накрасить Озотиком. Первый голографик мой, я вообще-то к ним равнодушна..

  5. I can't wait to see Ozotic on you! :)

  6. @Nola: I will be posting the swatches of Ozotic very soon!! :)

  7. This color is beautiful and it suits you
