
4. Juni 2011

Why why why

these charming pinky salmon shades don't suit my skin tone?!? They are so pretty but every time I polish my nails with such shades this colour just makes my hands look dirty : ( In the beginning I thought it's a matter of tan (or its absence), but now that I got first touch of sun on my hands nothing changed much. I have to officially admit that these pretty shades like American Apparel Rose Bowl are not for me. *Sigh*.

Nonono, on the pics it looks okay. In reality everything is much worse. Very pity, because the application was rather fine (it's a one-coater, imagine?), the polish is thick but the owners of other AAs should have an idea how to treat it. 
And, to complete the sad picture, here is a kinda unsuccessful stamping effort:

Now I really wonder what I'm going to do with all these beautiful pinky salmon polishes I have... I guess I'll give them the last chance when my hands will be really tanned. 

6 Kommentare:

  1. I'm wearing a yellow now, and it looks like "dead hands"... I think sometimes some colors doesn't fit our skin tone...

  2. Ich habe genau das selbe Problem mit diesen Farben. Sieht immer total seltsam aus zu meinem Hautton. :(

  3. Цвет красивый, но тебе наверное нужен более яркий оттенок. Мне мятные оттенки с жёлтым подтоном делают руки, как крабовые палочки, хехе.

  4. It looks pretty though but I totally understand you.. It happens to me when I'm wearing corals, not my thing. :D

  5. Мне кажется, он на очень бледнокожих хорошо бы смотрелся. На тебе теряется немного.

  6. @Honolulu: and it's such a pity, right? Especially when we can't wear colours that we really like..

    @Madita: gut zu wissen, dass ich hier nicht allein bin.. :) Schade, oder? Diese korallenrosa Farben sind so schön..

    @alluring_mum: хаха) как крабовые палочки? забавная метафора!) да, более яркие мне идут больше.

    @Ivana: same here, both corals and all these salmon-pinky polishes don't suit me.. Such a pity :(

    @Miss Jones: да я в общем-то и есть бледнокожая, зимой-то уж точно.. Я еще на совсем загорелых руках такие цвета потестю, и только тогда сдамся окончательно :)
