
4. Dezember 2011

I'm OK, You're Bouquet!

One more sign of my total nail polish maniacism is hunting polishes just for their names. Today I'll show you one of such "ooooo!! Great name!!! I want it soo much!! What colour was that actually?..." examples - meet OPI I'm OK, You're Bouquet. The difficulty with this one was that it came out as a US exclusive in 2009, and if not one kind swapper on MUA, it would probably just stay forever in my wish-list. But no, here it is: 

An attempt to capture both hands:

As you can see, this polish is not any special. Pink. Creme. But what a name!!!! Ok, I shut up. Even the formula is not the best, 3 coats and pretty runny.. Although I was too spoiled by American Apparel Coney Island and China Glaze Something Sweet.  But that was later on, and OK Bouquet, as I call it shortly, landed on my WL even before I wrote my first post here.

And after adding some allure on it: 

Please tell me I'm not the only one buying polishes just for their names? 
*Shrek cat look*

8 Kommentare:

  1. Это уже второй розовый за сегодня, на который я соблазнилась. Смотрится просто великолепно, особенно на фото, где обе руки вместе.

  2. It is indeed just another pink XD ahahahah, but I am telling you, you are not the only one buying polishes because of their names as I already told you once :P I remember particularly getting BYS "Black and Gold" just because I love that song (but sung by Ellie Goulding) and CLICHÉ Vida (which means "life" in portuguese) just because it is really amazing the name! ^__^ So you are not alone on that ;) :P

  3. gorgeous polish, even better with stamping :-D

  4. You are not alone.
    I have so many polishes that I buy strictly for the name.

  5. @tata-nadaver, @beingpretty: thank you, girls!!

    @Carolina: thanks! I know you like pinks :)

    @Miss Jones: спасибо! Первый, я так понимаю, был Миса от Бамбу? Он мне тоже очень понравился, но внутренний голос быстро зашептал "не плоди клонов!!" :))

    @Akuma Kanji: aaa yes, now I remember that we have discussed this once already.. and thanks for telling me about Ellie Goulding, I haven't heard of her before (shame on me?), but I listened to a couple of tracks and really liked her :)

    @nail crazy: well, I'd say it's just another nice pink, but if you like it - I'm glad :)

    @Danish: oh, good to know!! :)
