
27. März 2012

Artists's Sapphire

And I continue with my super summer shades =)
Seriously, I don't know what's going on, winter (ha!) has passed but I'm still into dark and gloomy colours. But they attract me so much and look so nice.. For example this one, Finger Paints Artists's Sapphire (what a name!!):

I firmly believED that dark blue shimmer is absolutely not my type of colour - before I painted my nails with it. After that I couldn't stop staring on my hands :) Actually, myself I would never buy such a shade deliberately, moreover Finger Paints brand is not sold here in Germany - this bottle was sent to me in a swap by lovely Carolina, to whom I am very thankful for that - she knew exactly what I need! 

Apart from a gorgeous name, this polish has a great formula, which is very easy to work despite it's a dark shade. On the photos I did 2 easy coats, no top coat. What I also like is the colour - it's such a rich and deep dark blue, that you will always want to stare at it, I guarantee! 

Because I wear such blues quite seldom, I couldn't miss the chance to add some gold - dark blue and gold is one of my favourite colour combinations ever.

13 Kommentare:

  1. Oh Aline, I love this manicure, that blue looks so pretty on you. Besos!!

  2. It suits you so much!
    I love this kind of blue, it looks very luxury... actually, I polished my nails with similar polish today, it's little more darker with purple undertones. And it shines like a mirror, so I'm starring on my nails whole day, too :)))

    1. Thanks! Such colours attract attention, don't they? :)

  3. Why wouldn't you be attracted by those colours? They're gorgeous ;D

    1. Thanks! Well, somehow I didn't think these shimmer blues would suit me - I was mistaken :)

  4. Очень красиво! Обожаю такие синие лаки с микрошиммером, они как атласные смотрятся, так и хочется погладить. Залотой принт тоже очень и очень в тему пришелся. Красота!

    1. Спасибо! Смотреть и трогать хочется все время, это точно!! :)

  5. God!! This Finger Paint is so beautyfull!!!!


  6. Не поверишь. Но именно вот такие синие лаки я не люблю ))) именно этого оттенка и этой текстуры
    Поэтому мне очень понравилось с золотом, просто шикарно!

    1. Поверю, я на тебе их не разу не видела, и про себя не думала, что когда-нибудь таким накрашу)) Сама бы ни за что не купила - у меня такие лаки как раз с продавщицами сельпо и 13летними девочками с обгрызанными ногтями ассоциируются. Но если честно, то когда накрасила, то сама удивилась - видимо с настроением совпало))

  7. I just have a thing for blue polish :) This one looks great and the stamping too xoxo
