
24. März 2012

Discord With The Outer World

For a week now it has been +20 here and very sunny. To match the weather I was wearing THIS on my nails for like 5 days. Very summery shade, right? Lol.

So, it's Essence Berlin Story that I'm showing. If you are searching for a nice black creme - it can be the one, because it's opaque in 1 coat (2 coats on the pictures), glossy and long lasting. The only thing is that it was a LE, so it's very hard to find now. But the world is full of nice black cremes anyway, so finding an analogue is not that hard.

Generally, I love black on my [short] nails, but... *sigh*... seems like my choice of polish doesn't have any relation to the weather/season outside anymore : ) I guess it's another level of addiction.

16 Kommentare:

  1. Удивилась, когда прочла , что он черный, на некоторых фото в зеленое уходит.. Мрачновато, но красиво! Маникюр бесподобный!

    1. Спасибо!! И за то, что сказала про зеленый, я как-то даже внимания не обратила, для меня он черный и все тут, так что я фотки постила быстро и особо не вглядываясь :) Подправила, чтоб уж все как надо было :)

  2. very summery shade, agree ;-D
    i wear my polishes according to my moods... or by accidental choice :-D

    1. Hehe! I'm glad you understand me! :) Lately I also rely on my mood only!

  3. Haha definitely a good shade for summer =P I love Essence polishes, I have a black from their recent Circus Circus collection that is one of the best I have used!

    1. :) :)
      Essence has both nice creme and glitter polishes, I like this brand a lot!

  4. Aww it looks so beautiful :D
    I don't follow seasons to choose nail polishes... haha!

    1. Thanks!! :)
      Oh, it's great to know I'm not the only one who chooses colours nonregarding the seasons :)

  5. haha it made it up near 30 where I am and I was wearing China Glaze Smoke & Ashes ;P

    1. Sure, why not, CG Smoke & Ashes is a super summer shade XD XD

  6. Ноготок к ноготку! Тебе просто дорога носить такие оттенки, очень идет. Я тоже уловила зеленый оттенок на парочке фотографий

    1. Спасибо :) Я и сама начала проникаться в последнее время, жаль ногти такие короткие у меня редко! А зеленый - это камера что-то выкинула, или отсвет от чего-то, я подправила.

  7. This is my favorite black creme, too bad that it's already half empty, but as you said world is full of black cremes

    1. I quite understand, why its your favourite :) I like it a lot, too. When (if ever!!) I finish the bottle, I think I'll get Wet'n'Wild Black Creme, since everyone is recommending it..
