
1. März 2012

My Most Worn & Used Polishes - Top 10+10

Some time ago lovely Ulmiel tagged me in a post about her most worn polishes, and recently I also saw Miss Jones and Danny and others telling us about theirs. So I decided to do the same and to show you the emptiest bottles of my stash. Believe me, with 200+ polishes emptying the bottles becomes a difficult challenge : ) 

Shall we start? So, the first picture tells you a lot about me: I'm an office worker : ) The dress code is not that strict, but I still try to stick to commonly accepted norms. Sometimes I fail and my boss keeps staring at my aqua blue nails, but you all heard this story : )
Here we go, office appropriate pinks - most used:

Left to right:
(clicking on the name of the polish leads you to my swatches of them, sometimes old ones with funny nail length and shape :) )

Still, although calm pink is a popular colour, it does not mean that all 200+ bottles I have are pink shades : ) 
Here are non-pink winners:

OPI Hey! Get In Lime! I actually wore it once, but in 5 (!!!) coats. No wonder the bottle is that empty. Real m****ker of my stash.
Essence My Yellow Fellow
Studio M Tru Passion
did you know I like glitters? ^^
China Glaze Blue Island Iced Tea my first CG ever!! For some unexplainable reason I adore this polish, although it's not any popular..
Wet'n'Wild Caribbean Frost this is sooo not my colour.. green pearl, yuck!! But I use it as a base for Atlantis and Party Hearty

These were my officially top 10 worn polishes. But this is not the end, and apart from them I want to show you some more. Here, below, you see the polishes I do not use for normal manicures, but rather for stamping or as layering polishes: 

And lastly, the oldies. These I have for several years, and they neither ever finish nor I can dispose of them (I tried several times, but I cannot throw away a polish unless a bottle is completely empty).

Sally Hansen Purple Potion

Somehow, for me "the most worn polishes" does not equal "my favourite polishes".. Those that I adore most - I try to save every drop of them, hehe.

Now, I'm waiting to see your posts about most used polishes :) If you posted already, you can leave a link in the comments, I'd be glad!

6 Kommentare:

  1. И я как ты, тех, кого люблю, берегу до невозможности, все время подумываю, не купить ли второй про запас, хотя первый полнехонький ))
    И вообще у нас с тобой логика выбора лака очень схожа, и поэтому полупустые у меня примерно такие же )) только не розовые, а бежево-замазочные больше. Я же желтокожая )

    1. Ага, у нас много общего в этом плане)) Желтокожим и розовые ведь неплохо, у вас вообще меньше проблем, чем у нас, краснокожих! :)

  2. Я тоже не могу выбросить флакон ,пока он не полностью пустой. Как ты достаешь остатки лака со дна? У меня уже где-то с 3/4 части проблемы начинаются, потому что все кисти почему -то очень короткие и до дна не дотягиваются.

    Неплохо у тебя Лайм за 5 слоев ушел. Лак на 4 покраса :)

    1. Когда лак заканчивается, я или выковыриваю как могу - перед покрасом каждого пальца взбалтываю, чтоб он на кисти осел, или переливаю в мини-бутылочки типа Essie или Depend, у минек кисть до самого дна доходит. А Лайм.. меня прям трясет, как вспомню эти 5 плешивых слоев))) Пусть на 4 покраса, я даже рада - побыстрей бы вымазать его и забыть!

  3. i love this kind of posts, i already did it, and like you, i was surprised by some polishes on this list, i usually save my favorite... but don't know why ;-D

    1. I'm glad you liked the post :) We all seem to keep preserving our favourite ones, I think it's just natural!
