Dear girls!
Now that you are reading this post I am sitting in an airplane heading to....

Now that you are reading this post I am sitting in an airplane heading to....

Believe me, I am super happy because I was waiting for such a holiday for a loooooooong time. No worries, I have some posts scheduled already :)
To make it more interesting, I won't tell you where I'm going. However, it's not that difficult to guess. And if you do guess, you'll have +10 entries in my next giveaway :DD If you name the country AND the place/city, you'll have +20. No kidding! First come - first serve, comments are valid today and tomorrow. And a hint: my next giveaway will be a cutie holo polish :)
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenAgadir, Morocco and have lots of fun :D
AntwortenLöschenYes, bravo :) And congrats, you have a lot of free entries now :)
LöschenGot it; Agadir in Morocco.
AntwortenLöschenSo jealous, that's also my fav place!! Have fun :)
Yup :) Thanks, I had a lot of fun indeed! Nice place for a holiday :)
Löschenhave fun! I 'll say Morroco in the city of Agadir! Lucky girl :p
AntwortenLöschenYes, correct :) Thanks!!
LöschenI also say Agadir in Morocco :)
AntwortenLöschenHave fun!
Yup, thanks! :)
LöschenIt must be a beautiful place to spend summer holidays, have fun there!
AntwortenLöschenAs for guessing the name of the place... Google Images service for finding pics by url rules ;) lol
ps: I'll be waiting for your post with my-vacations-in-Africa themed nails perhaps? :) xxx
LöschenDamn, I thought I made it so that one cannot get a link of the pics :( :(
Epic fail.
I won't have much times for cool manicures over there, but I'll definitely show what I was wearing :)
Definetly Agadir - Morocco, because of the writings on the mountain back there! ;)
AntwortenLöschenYeah, right of course :) I didn't even notice these writings when I was posting the pictures, but now that I went there I actually realised that it's a "marking sign" of a city! Silly me :)
AntwortenLöschenТак точно)
LöschenHave a great time!
AntwortenLöschenThank you, dear! :)
LöschenWow! Agadir Marocco... How gorgeous :)
AntwortenLöschenHave fun! :)
Thank you!!! :D
LöschenОчень рада за тебя, сказочное место!!!! Отдохни по-полной
AntwortenLöschenСпасибо!!! Уже :)
LöschenI'm late for the extra entries but...What a wonderful vacation 0_0 enjoy!!!
AntwortenLöschenThank you very very much!! :)