Tomorrow Google Reader will be gone.
Yet we all continue blogging. And reading other blogs.
Therefore I'd like to offer my readers several
alternatives to Google Reader:
Feedly: very nice replacement for Google Reader. I liked it immediately after my bf showed it to me and said "that's the way you can keep following your nail blogs after Google Reader dies". Important: you can import your blog subscriptions from Google Reader! To follow me on Feedly,
click here
Bloglovin': nice app to read blogs! For me a small drawback is that you have to click to read the full posts.. someone doesn't mind. You can follow my blog via Bloglovin'
Facebook: I post a preview to my posts on
my blog's Facebook page. I just got 100+ likes recently, so feel free to like the page too! :)
Twitter: if you are a convinced Twitterian, I'm posting links to each of my blog posts to Twitter too.
Here is my Twitter account.
Just for the record: I am
on Pinterest too. Not so active though, mostly browsing.
Whatever option being chosen, for me it is very important that my lovely followers could continue reading my blog with comfort!
We keep in touch, right? :)
Засада, конечно, мощная! Но мы всё равно не потеряемся:)
AntwortenLöschenДа... вообще не понимаю, зачем они это устроили. Хорошая же штука, миллионы людей пользовались.. эх, все переходим на Фидли.
LöschenВидимо, как это обычно бывает, всё уперлось в какие-то деньги. Хотя, конечно, такие акции - это, прямо-таки, диверсия против общения!
LöschenMan, this just makes me want to quit blogging and transfer everything to Facebook -_-
AntwortenLöschenNoooo! FB is nice, but not as an ultimate version.. and Feedly looks very similar to GR. Please keep blogging :)
LöschenПичалька однако(((
AntwortenLöschenА то! Но Фидли неплохой вариант, максимально приближенный к Ридеру. Очень рекомендую :)
LöschenI moved all my subscriptions over to The Old Reader (; it seems okay so far.
AntwortenLöschenThanks for the tip! My favourite reader so far is Feedly, it looks so similar to Google Reader.. :)